Earthbound Sanctuary 8 Walkthrough Part This Earthbound Walkthrough features every battle boss weapon and pick up you need to beat Earthbound on Nintendo Switch Online Wii U or the classic SNES
Part 39A Entrance to just before the boss battlePart B boss https www youtube watch v HskKF7KmyhANess travels alone for a while after recording t The 8th and final sanctuary boss and the start of magicant
Earthbound Sanctuary 8 Walkthrough Part
Earthbound Sanctuary 8 Walkthrough Part
EARTHBOUND Part 28 The Third Your Sanctuary Location YouTube
Earthbound Part 26 Third Sanctuary Boss YouTube
Rainy Circle Magnet Hill Pink Cloud Lumine Hall Fire Spring Jeff s Repairs List Character Stats There are eight Your Sanctuary locations throughout the world Ness must visit them all to gain the power to defeat Giygas Head over to the Circus tent and present the Zombie Paper to the man in red in the left part of the tent Use the Zombie Paper and a place it all over the tent Go sleep at a Hotel and wait for
Go back and climb the rope to the top follow the path to get a Bag of Dragonite Head back down to the entrance and make your way right Go into the tunnel and to the other side Walk over to the He is thrown into chaos however the night the meteorite lands behind his house An unlikely friend from the future arrives and tells him that he is the chosen boy He has the ability to change the events of time Ness is the all around average character
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Earthbound Part 17 The Third Your Sanctuary Location YouTube
L Talk to NPCs check containers and objects advance dialogue and select menu options This is a handy multi purpose button Directional pad D pad Moves your characters on the field and cycles through menu options A Opens the main menu outside of battle selects menu options and advances dialogue B Shows HP PP and money carried on Go through Rainy Circle Cave Go to Dr Andonuts Lab and talk to Dr Andonuts Get into the Sky Runner Crash into Threed and use the Bad Key Machine Go to the south of the town and fight Boogey Tent Grab the Jar of Fly Honey Get the Zombie Paper from the Mach Pizza delivery man Use the Zombie Paper inside the tent
Fourth Sanctuary Cave Enter the next cave to the south This is the Fourth Sanctuary cave but Jeff can t fight the boss or record the Sanctuary melody without Ness The enemies here aren t too difficult but you might want to level up a bit if you re low on food Fight the enemies near the entrance and return to Brick Road to recover In this video I will be doing the 8th sanctuaryAwesome website that helped me get past EarthBound https www thonky earthbound wal Video taken in
EarthBound Sanctuary Guardian Sega Genesis Remix YouTube
Earthbound Gameplay 5th And 6th Sanctuary YouTube
Earthbound Sanctuary 8 Walkthrough Part - Enter and grab the Hawk Eye on the pedestal head into the door on the right and make your way to a room with a hole in the middle Grab the Diamond Band in the casket to the right and jump down