Dungeon Siege 2 Walkthrough Statue Guardian For Dungeon Siege II on the PC Guide and Walkthrough by PapaGamer Menu Home Boards News Q A Community Contribute LEFT CLICK the statue to reveal a hidden treasure chest You should receive the Vigilant Gloves part of the Nature s Vigilance set Ask him about his duty and about the riddle needed to pass a guardian statue in his
Introduction Dungeon Siege II like its predecessor is a basic dungeon crawl or action RPG in modern parlance The game s focus is destroying hordes of enemies while completing a variety of quests tasks that are given you Let us know Background You ll receive this quest from Master Thestrin in an underground chamber in the Azunite Desert 1 Walkthrough Thestrin will ask you to go to his family crypt 2 and retrieve an heirloom sword from it The sword is protected by an ancient statue with a fondness for riddles Thestrin will give you a hint for the
Dungeon Siege 2 Walkthrough Statue Guardian
Dungeon Siege 2 Walkthrough Statue Guardian
More Beta 30 Screen Shots Image Dungeon Siege Legendary Pack Mod For Dungeon Siege II Broken
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Went back to the azunite desert to explore unexplored areas ended up finishing the riddle but enemies in there was like 30 or so level which is way over leve Where to buy Dungeon Siege II 68 26 at Amazon By Matthew Rorie Design by Randall Montanari Dungeon Siege and its expansion Legends of Aranna elicited some mixed opinions from the
On this page you ll find a complete walkthrough for Dungeon Siege 2 and its Broken World Expansion Pack including every Story Quest and Side Quest in the entire game These quests are organized by the order they become available in the game or in the order they re best completed Act 1 Quest 1 Siege of Greilyn Beach Tutorial PC Home Guides Media Secondary Quest Guide PC by vhayste Version 1 0 Updated 10 09 2007 Highest Rated Guide
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https://www.almarsguides.com/AlmarsImages/Computer/Games/DungeonSiege2/Dungeon Siege 2 Title Screen.png
Act 1 Secondary Quests 1 The Armorer s Apprentice Intended level 3 Read the Tome of Smithing and tell Telinu the correct material list for Dryad armor When getting the sharpening stones from Telinu agree to help her get the proper recipe for Dryad armor Shelper HG Alumnus id Smileyshelper posted 09 15 05 03 24 PM EDT US 1 6 I left it for now hoping to find the answer at either one of the lore books or with a town storyteller No answer yet
Press the hidden button the eastern wall This will open the south room Place the red cube in the socket and pick up about two of the purple cubes in this room Place a cube in the purple socket back in the other room to open another secret passage Go to this area and place the cubes in this order The stones and sockets and the secret rooms that they uncover are a part of the secondary quest Secrets of Xeria s Temple See that section for details Once you ve killed all of the plagued soldiers in the area clicking on this statue 2 will open the doors to the north 2a To open the secret door click on the statue right next to it
Dungeon Siege II
Dungeon Siege 2 Walkthrough Statue Guardian - Went back to the azunite desert to explore unexplored areas ended up finishing the riddle but enemies in there was like 30 or so level which is way over leve