Dungeon Siege 2 Walkthrough Secondary Quest

Dungeon Siege 2 Walkthrough Secondary Quest Act 1 Side Quests A Family Heirloom Dire Wolf Feldwyr The Blacksmith Lelani s Sorrow Lumilla s Salve Secrets of the Elven Shrine Secrets of Xeria s Temple Taar s Investigation The Armorer s Apprentice The Hak u The Hak u Part 2 The Half Giant The Kithraya Hive The Missing Squadron Act 2 Side Quests A Dark Ohm A Family Heirloom Amren s Vision

Welcome to our Dungeon Siege II walkthrough Simply click on the links to the right to learn more about the primary and secondary quests in the game If you re more interested in things like secret doors and dungeon locations then please refer to the Dungeon Siege II maps section On this page you ll find a complete walkthrough for Dungeon Siege 2 and its Broken World Expansion Pack including every Story Quest and Side Quest in the entire game These quests are organized by the order they become available in the game or in the order they re best completed Act 1 Quest 1 Siege of Greilyn Beach Tutorial

Dungeon Siege 2 Walkthrough Secondary Quest


Dungeon Siege 2 Walkthrough Secondary Quest


Steam Community Dungeon Siege 2


Dungeon Siege II

The following quests earn one 1 bonus skill point Act I Chapter 5 The Dryad Exile Colony Act I Chapter 8 The Lost Azunite Artifact Act III Chapter 6 The Agallan Trial Act I Secondary Quest 7 The Hak u Part II Act II Secondary Quest 13 A Servant s Haunt You receive two 2 bonus skill points for completing these quests Introduction Dungeon Siege II like its predecessor is a basic dungeon crawl or action RPG in modern parlance The game s focus is destroying hordes of enemies while completing a variety of quests tasks that are given you

Read the book to find the directions Make your way back to the shops and talk to Telinu Choose option 3 Watch the small cut scene of her making the armor which consists of her just pounding The game begins with the player controlled protagonist and their friend Drevin serving as mercenaries in the army of Valdis a warlord who has aligned hims

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Design by Randall Montanari Dungeon Siege and its expansion Legends of Aranna elicited some mixed opinions from the computer RPG gaming crowd The Lost Jewels of Soranith is a Side Quest in Act 3 which can be started by speaking with Kevarre the Explorer in the Kalrathia Tavern For this quest you will need to travel to a Mysterious Vault in the Northern Plain of Tears You can find the entrance to this vault to the east of the Teleporter it ll be marked on your map with a silver

Broken World During the passage of Dungeon Siege II the player will meet characters from whom he can receive various tasks These characters usually have one of the following symbols above them Completion of the main quest Opportunity to get a side quest Completing a side quest Opportunity to get a side quest for a companion Secondary Quest Guide by vhayste v 1 0 79KB 2007 Highest Rated Set Items FAQ by Devistater v 1 4 62KB 2005


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Dungeon Siege 2 Walkthrough Secondary Quest - The following quests earn one 1 bonus skill point Act I Chapter 5 The Dryad Exile Colony Act I Chapter 8 The Lost Azunite Artifact Act III Chapter 6 The Agallan Trial Act I Secondary Quest 7 The Hak u Part II Act II Secondary Quest 13 A Servant s Haunt You receive two 2 bonus skill points for completing these quests