Duke Nukem Toxic Dump Walkthrough

Duke Nukem Toxic Dump Walkthrough A Walkthrough of E1L4 of Duke Nukem 3D Toxic Dump on the Come Get Some difficulty for the PC This is the 20th Anniversary World Tour and is played through

Secrets Secret 1 Top of the submarine After escaping the submarine at the beginning of the level climb atop the outside hull of the vessel This will trigger a compartment to open inside the submarine 3D Realms best time 4 40 Secrets 14 Dive to find three switches Use the combination on off on to open the emergency hatch Be careful to watch your air the water will rise but will stop before the top leaving an air pocket Swim to the bottom to get scuba gear from seaweed near the side then swim into the hole and blast the cracked wall

Duke Nukem Toxic Dump Walkthrough


Duke Nukem Toxic Dump Walkthrough


Duke Nukem E1L4 Toxic Dump Y E1L6 nivel Secreto Launch Facility YouTube


Duke Nukem 3D Part 3 High Resolution Pack V5 Duke Plus Walkthrough E1L4 Toxic Dump 2K60

A playthrough of Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition the original DOS version not Eduke32 attempting to get every secret in the game This is shown in High Defi This could have gone better but I still managed to get them all regardless Something to note for this level is the Octobrains tend to hide underwater which

49 ratings Duke Nukem 3D 20th Anniversary All Secrets By Plasma SKX all Secrets Tide to the ingame Counter Yes i no there s Hidden Areas in a few levels if it didnt say Secret i didnt record it 2 Award Favorite Share 1 Environment 2 Keycards 3 Skill levels 4 Statistics Environment There are several items utilized in levels to aid or hinder player movement Security monitors These scroll through images from security cameras placed around the level The cameras are visible to the player but not destructible

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This guide contains a getting started section for those new to the game a breakdown of enemies and weapons a full walkthrough for every level of the game a list of secrets and Easter eggs in the game and some frequently asked questions FAQs Duke Nukem 3D is the legendary first person shooting game FPS that combined great level design Episode 1 Level 5 Secret Level Previous Next Main Launch Facility is a level that is relatively small but isn t one that you get to in the normal path of the game It s a secret level You can only get here from a secret exit on the Toxic Dump level You start in the area shown above and the way out of the room is to the right

Boards Duke Nukem 3D 20th Anniversary World Tour Toxic Dump getting shrunk TheLightsAreOn 3 years ago 1 and crawling through vent is there a trick to this i can not even get to the last corner Don t quote me on this Me TheLightsAreOn Topic Creator 3 years ago 2 only took 50 tries but i made it Game Duke Nukem 3D 20th Anniversary World Tour Episode 1 L A MeltdownLevel 4 Toxic DumpDifficulty Come Get SomePlatform PC Steam


Duke Nukem 3D Toxic Dump Pistol Start 100 YouTube


Duke Nukem 3D 04 Toxic Dump YouTube

Duke Nukem Toxic Dump Walkthrough - 49 ratings Duke Nukem 3D 20th Anniversary All Secrets By Plasma SKX all Secrets Tide to the ingame Counter Yes i no there s Hidden Areas in a few levels if it didnt say Secret i didnt record it 2 Award Favorite Share