Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough The Shrunk Machine Part 2 Updated Jun 19 2012 Down the hall and through the first door some guys are arguing next to a Freeze Ray Grab it and wait for them to open the way for you If you need a holoduke melee the
The Shrunk Machine After going down the stairs you will reach a room partly blocked by alien plants The only way to destroy them is using hot steam In order to do it you have to turn the nearby valve wait for them to melt and turn it again Of course that was only an introduction to a puzzle as the further road is blocked my more plants Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 2 Chapter 17 Shrunk Machine Gameplay Xbox 360 PS3 theRadBrad 13 5M subscribers Join Subscribe Subscribed 1 4K Share Save 88K views 12 years
Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough The Shrunk Machine Part 2
Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough The Shrunk Machine Part 2
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Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough The Shrunk Machine Walkthroughs By VGFAQ The 17th chapter in Duke Nukem Forever is called The Shrunk Machine In this level Duke Nukem must complete a series of challenges and puzzles therefore the guide below can be useful to those players who don t know how to complete this level HD Walkthrough Duke Nukem Forever Chapter 17 The Shrunk Machine PART 2This is part 26 in a full Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Lets play Please like
Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 26 The Shrunken Machine Part 2Head downstairs and open the door on your left Head through the steam carefully as it can hurt you Now head into the opening in the fencing and to the pressure valve that is right beside you Turn it to the left to open the steam and clear away the obstruction 1 Synopsis 2 Ego boosts 3 Voicemails 4 Walkthrough 4 1 Part 1 4 2 Part 2 5 Easter eggs Synopsis Inside the Hoover Dam Duke discovers the Freeze Ray and blasts everything in his path Duke is shrunk and must outwit a Giant Enforcer before returning to his normal size Ego boosts
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Walk towards the cycloid emperor on the football field to trigger an explosion then head down the stairs on the right and run to the devastator You ll be sent up to the cycloid who behaves just Updated Jun 21 2011 Troubled dev cycle and endless graveyard of discarded ideas aside Duke Nukem Forever is actually a pretty lengthy adventure Clearly 3D Realms was in love with
Chapter 17 The Shrunk Machine Part 1 Bust some doors through and pick up the freeze ray next to a wuss EDF soldier This device freezes enemies of course and frozen enemies are left in an The Lady Killer By Travis Fahs eppur si muove GamingDirectUK 2 6k more updated Jun 24 2011 Hop onto the elevator and just keep jamming the brake lever until you land safely Open the door
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Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough The Shrunk Machine Part 2 - HD Walkthrough Duke Nukem Forever Chapter 17 The Shrunk Machine PART 2This is part 26 in a full Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Lets play Please like