Dragon Warrior 2 Walkthrough Gbc

Dragon Warrior 2 Walkthrough Gbc A young descendant of Loto the brave hero of legend defeated Dracolord and restored light to the world The young man took a bride and left on a journey As they traveled he founded several new kingdoms These countries came to be ruled by the young man s children from one generation to the next

A Moonbrooke soldier runs to inform the king of their appearance before he is struck down by a Gremlin Placing himself between the Gremlin and the Princess the king attempts to protect the Princess and defeat the Gremlins but they eventually overwhelm him in number and the king of Moonbrooke is defeated With his dying breath he orders the Dragon Warrior II GBC Walkthru As in any RPG remember to always talk to everyone everywhere to gain information and search things for hidden items Start off by following the King downstairs and search the chest nearby to find a Copper Sword and 50 GP don t forget to equip the sword and you start out with the Leather Armor

Dragon Warrior 2 Walkthrough Gbc


Dragon Warrior 2 Walkthrough Gbc


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Resume the Dragon Warrior II game and enter the Continue New Game Option menu Choose Continue to where it shows your log files Place the arrow next to the log file where you would like to change the names and enter one of the following codes Prince of Cannock Hold Left Select Start and press A Year System Notes 1987 NES Localized as Dragon Warrior II most names were modified in the localization 1988 MSX Localized as Dragon Warrior II most names were modified in the localization 1999 GBC Part of Dragon Quest I II localized as Dragon Warrior I II it uses the original Japanese names 2014 Phones Localized as Dragon Quest II Luminaries of the Legendary Line

Dragon Warrior I FAQ Walkthrough GBC Feb 1 2022 Rej72380 Rej72380 21 5 kb Topic Specific FAQs Guides Cannock Castle Map GIF Got a Dragon Warrior I II walkthrough FAQ or Guide Subscribe to my channel http www youtube c StreetMozartDragon Quest 2 Dragon Warrior 2 Copyright 1987 Square Enix

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Lighthouse F4 GBC version The trick to climbing the lighthouse is knowing which one of the four stairs at the center of the first floor to take The top two stairs lead to the same general area and will only get you as high as the third floor Of the two bottom stairs the right one will get you as high as the fifth floor where you will Weapons lists walkthrough and Bestiary for Dragon Warrior II Games Manuals Updates Armor Bestiary Experience Levels Items Manual Spells Walkthrough Weapons Maps Castles Midenhall Cannock Moonbrooke Tantegel Charlock Osterfair Hargon s Castle Towns Leftwyne Hamlin Lianport Zahan Wellgarth Tuhn Beran Caves

So I figured to do Dragon Warrior II and if all goes well go back and do Dragon Warrior I 08 01 01 I finally finished this FAQ DW2 portion and prepped it for submission 08 02 01 I started work on the Dragon Warrior 1 portion of the FAQ Walkthrough 08 10 01 I beefed up the legal and have gotten to Garin s Tomb in DW1 I also need to get my Walkthrough Sinistral s DW2 Walkthrough PoL Prince of Lorasia PoC Prince of Cannock PoM Princess of Moonbrooke Sidenote this walkthrough is based on the GBC version A few things changed and I usually point those out on top of the fact that the weapons are better mosters are weaker and the game s easier in general


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Dragon Warrior 2 Walkthrough Gbc - Sail east to Alefgard It is a lot smaller than in the original Dragon Warrior You will notice that the king of Tantegel has gone into hiding Enter Charlock Castle across the straight from Tantegel Castle Inside you will find the Sword of Erdrick and the Dragonlord s grandson He will give you some advise for defeating Hargon Three More Keys