Dragon Age 2 Walkthrough Xbox 360 Ign Welcome to the meat of the guide the walkthrough for the main plot advertisement We had to separate the potatoes side dish that is the Quests section from this walkthrough index there s
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Platform Filter Jump to Dragon Age II Guides Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by noz3r0 PC v Final 300KB 2012 Most Recommended FAQ of the Month Winner March 2011 Guide and Dragon Age II Guide and Walkthrough Xbox 360 Home Guide and Walkthrough PS3 by Bkstunt 31 Version 1 5 Updated 10 07 2012
Head south and down the steps to the Viewpoint then into the small room Snag the HEALTH POTION and open the OLD BOX to find the GATE KEY and a TWISTED STEEL RING Read the SCOUT S Yes you can You ll find the individual pieces from certain quests in Act 3 The chestpiece from Mine Massacre the gloves are obtained automatically the headpiece from Best Served Cold and the boots are from On the Loose get guide updates via Twitter
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34 85 This enormous guide to Dragon Age II contains a walkthrough of all the missions in the game The description of each quest consists of consecutive steps which you will have to complete during it including the possible endings Numerous hints suggest how to behave during conversations with NPCs and how to win battles Dragon Age II Walkthrough Prologue Act I Act II Act III Welcome to the meat of the guide the walkthrough for the main plot We had to separate the potatoes side dish that is the Quests section from this walkthrough index there s a separate one detailing the extra quests in each Act
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