Dorn S Quest Baldur S Gate 2 Walkthrough You have 2 options for dealing with these 2 you can kill them or you can leave them alive If you kill them best option loot the Acorns of Yarrow which will allow you to teleport in and out of the gorge below Leaving them alive means you ll not be able to leave the gorge until you re finished
For Baldur s Gate II Enhanced Edition on the PC Guide and Walkthrough by Haeravon Sequence 1 WLK061 Amkethran 15 Steps 2 Sequence 2 WLK062 Dorn s Blood Path Part II 9 Steps 3 Sequence 3 WLK063 Hexxat s Request Part II 17 Steps 4 but I typically include the reward upon the quest s conclusion occasionally Dorn Il Khan is a male half orc and neutral evil blackguard in the Baldur s Gate Enhanced Edition Baldur s Gate Siege of Dragonspear and the Baldur s Gate II Enhanced Edition Gorion s Ward may choose him as a companion Dorn is available to recruit in Chapter One You first meet him on the ground floor of the The Friendly Arm where he scolds you for bothering him You must later trigger
Dorn S Quest Baldur S Gate 2 Walkthrough
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News Board Guide and Walkthrough PS4 by chris williams Version 1 01l Updated 09 25 2023 Highest Rated Guide Previous Chapter 1 Candlekeep to Nashkel Table of Contents Next Chapter 3 Overview You ll first meet Dorn inside the Friendly Arm Inn He won t join you then but later on when you re traveling to the Nashkel Mines you ll get ambushed by some bandits While they re trying to rob you Dorn will show up and kill half of them and then he ll help you to defeat the rest
Home Baldur s Gate II Enhanced Edition Dorn s quest POSSIBLE BGII EE SPOILER laptopman666 Posts 283 November 2013 edited November 2013 Hi i was wondering if anyone could help me i am currently doing dorn s quest slaughtering the radiant heart but now that we cleaned up the opposition 1 Recruit Korgan into your party at the Copper Coronet in Slums District 2 This will start The Book of Kaza quest which is Korgan s Companion Quest 3 Visit the Graveyard District and venture down into the Lower Tombs 4 Update the quest in Lower Tombs then visit the Government District and update it again 5
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Baldur s Gate EE Part 12 15 DORN S Quest THIEVES GUILD MAREK POISON Core Rules YouTube
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Walkthrough Bollard Firejaw When you meet Dorn in the Temple District he ll tell you that his patron demon Ur Gothoz has commanded him to kill the Golden Lion Bollard Firejaw inside the nearby High Hall of the Radiant Heart If you agree to help him out then Dorn will join you Overview Note You ll unlock this area during Dorn s companion quest Almost right away in Resurrection Gorge you ll meet Summerheigh 1 She ll give you some background information about the area most notably that her son Vernus accidentally summoned the demon Xachrimos into the gorge and that the dryad Yarrow has been fighting a losing battle to keep Xachrimos from escaping into the
Baldur s Gate 2 Online Walkthrough by Montresor CREATING A CHARACTER GENERAL TIPS AND TRICKS NPCs ITEM LISTS SHOPS Shadows of Amn Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Throne of Bhaal Watcher s Keep Walk through A complete walkthrough of Baldur s Gate Dark Alliance 2 featuring story quests optional quests and rewards The walkthrough also includes details on the unique class
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Baldur s Gate II Enhanced Edition Part 22 Dorn The Blackguard YouTube
Dorn S Quest Baldur S Gate 2 Walkthrough - Dorn Quests It is me again spamming yet another tread but I cannot find info about this Dorn Quest would not trigger at all I already get the Leopard Claw for Hexxat as it seems her quests work accordingly but I don t get this with Dorn