Doors Rooms 3 4 Walkthrough 0 00 1 32 Doors Rooms Chapter 4 Stage 3 Walkthrough D R Level 4 3 GamePVT 59 9K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 38K views 8 years ago Please watch Neighbours from Hell Season
D R Guide Best Doors and Rooms Walkthrough Guides Doors and Rooms 1 Doors and Rooms 2 Doors and Rooms 3 Doors and Rooms Zero Home Doors and Rooms Welcome to the number 1 unofficial fan site for Doors and Rooms We have written the most detailed and thorough walkthrough for your escape needs 1 Pick up the cube on the sofa 2 Pick up the cube inside the pocket from the pool table 3 Pick up the cube lying on the floor to the right of screen 4 Pick up the crumbled paper inside the trash can and dismantle it to obtain a note and a cube 5 Pick up another cube inside the microwave 6 Pick up the stick on the left side of screen 7
Doors Rooms 3 4 Walkthrough
Doors Rooms 3 4 Walkthrough
Roblox Doors Walkthrough How To Solve And Escape Level 100 Pro Game Guides
Doors Rooms 3 Walkthrough Chapter 1 Stage 7 Walkthrough YouTube
Documentary 2018 Free with ads All Levels Next Doors and Rooms 3 4 Walkthrough Cheats Walkthrough Answers for iPhone iPad Android App Collect a cue from the left side Collect 5 cue chalk on sofa snooker table dustbin and floor on the right Dismantle the trash you collect from the dustbin Collect a cue stick on the snooker table
Doors and Rooms 4 3 Doors and Rooms 4 3 Walkthrough Cheats Walkthrough Answers for iPhone iPad Android App Search the corpse Collect hammer and both cog on the floor and on the skull Collect the metal rod and a piece of paper Now observe the paper for hint and combine both cog by following the hints and answer in the picture Chapter 1 Stage 1 1 Look under the yellow rug near the right side of the room and grab what looks like a leaf 2 Look in the potted plant to get the flower piece 3 Open the blue cabinet below the plant and take another leaf 4 Open the bottom drawer of the dresser and take the batteries 5 Pick up the remote control from the table 6
More picture related to Doors Rooms 3 4 Walkthrough
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Chapter 1 Rusty Key 01 01 Just click on the door to open it then go through 01 02 Open the latch at the base of the door then open the door and go through 01 03 Pick up the hammer from the ground and use it to break the glass box Take the key from inside the box and use it to unlock the door Open the door and go through 01 04 Walkthrough Stage 1 1 Tap on the door to open it then go through 1 2 Unlock the lock on the bottom of the door then open it 1 3 Pick up the hammer Use it to break the glass Pick up the key from the broken glass move the screen around to see it Use the key to open the door 1 4 Open the drawer and take out the egg
This game is developed by gameday Inc What is the solution for Doors Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 1 We are trying our best to solve the answer manually and update the answer into here currently the best answer we found for these are Chapter 1 Stage 1 Some people are looking for these Doors Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Stage 1 Walkthrough Please watch Neighbours from Hell Season 1 first steps https www youtube watch v zItv ArgvZM Doors Rooms Chapter 3 Stage 4 Wa
Doors Rooms 3 Chapter 1 Walkthrough D R 3 Chapter 1 YouTube
Chapter 3 7 Doors Rooms Complete Walkthrough
Doors Rooms 3 4 Walkthrough - Overview Unlike other floors The Rooms can only be accessed through a secret door that can usually be found around Door 60 of the Hotel The door is locked behind a gate which can only be opened by activating the lever in the Large Basement usually at Door 61