Doom 3 Walkthrough Hydrocon Control Design by Marty Smith id Software s Doom is one of the most influential games of all time It was Doom that put the term first person shooter on the gamer map After years of anticipation id
Updated Oct 15 2012 Alpha Labs Sector 1 West Go forward and be ready for the Z SEC that immediately starts shooting you from up ahead you can explode the barrel next to him to kill him Continue KLittle123 Mini Member Registered 08 04 Posted August 6 2004 Ok right now im at the Alpha Labs Sector 1 in the Hydrocon Control Room But I can t through this door that asks for a PDA I ve looked everyone for the PDA so I could get through but with no luck But also there is a like hole in the ceiling over the door and I was wondering if
Doom 3 Walkthrough Hydrocon Control
Doom 3 Walkthrough Hydrocon Control
Doom 3 Walkthrough Part 40 HD Level 20 Hell YouTube
Doom 3 Walkthrough Hell
Doom 3 Campaign Part 1 Chapter 01 Mars City Mars City Hangar Security Checkpoint Departure Lounge Mars City Reception On the PDA issued by H Feiner and On a desk near H Feiner Central Access Junction Central Access Command Access Junction Common Area Disk not collectable watch on overhead video Marine Command Access Doom 3 Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough After transfer enter the reception ahead and head directly to the terminal on the right behind the desk Activating it will light up the area making it easier to engage the zombies The Blue 16 door leads to the Atomic Stabilization Hub
Doom 3 maps Mars City Intro 1 2 3 Alpha Labs 1 2 3 4 Enpro Communications 1 2 Monorail Recycling 1 2 3 Delta Labs 1 2a 2b 3 4 Hell Delta Complex Central Processing 1 2 Excavation 1 2 3 End Map name game alphalabs1 Alpha Labs Sector 1 Union Aerospace Science Division is the fifth level of Doom 3 Walkthrough ALPHA LABS SECTOR 4 REACTOR READY ROOM and REACTOR SUB STATION 1 The level starts out pretty calm and you won t have to worry about enemies for a few minutes For now just explore
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100 Walkthrough featuring every level from Doom 3 BFG Edition Veteran Difficulty This guide includes timestamps for all PDA s Video Disks and Lockers DOOM 3 BFG Edition 5 Hydrocon VD 8 49 6 George Krietman PDA 9 21 7 Bernie Lipsitz PDA 9 28 6 Alpha Labs Sector 2 Doom 3 Walkthrough Doom 3 249 Grab the Hydrocon video disk The door on the right is locked for now Continue through the door on the left ready for combat Doom 3 Walkthrough Doom 3 250 A zombie and this maggot are waiting for you inside plus an Imp comes charging through the opposite door A medkit is on the counter
Page 3 of the full game walkthrough for DOOM 3 This guide will show you how to earn all of the achievements Hydrocon Control A zombie will spawn immediately to your left 2008 11 28 Doom III Page content Alpha Labs Reception Atomic Stabilization Hub EPD Lab EPD Particle Emulsifier EPD Containment Purge Hydrocon Oxygenator Hydrocon Control Alpha Labs Main Junction Alpha Labs Reception Use the panel on your right to open the door and reveal an ominously dark room
Doom 3 Walkthrough Part 39 HD Level 20 Hell YouTube
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Doom 3 Walkthrough Hydrocon Control - Walkthrough ALPHA LABS SECTOR 4 REACTOR READY ROOM and REACTOR SUB STATION 1 The level starts out pretty calm and you won t have to worry about enemies for a few minutes For now just explore