Does Ada Die In Resident Evil 2

Does Ada Die In Resident Evil 2 Is Ada alive or dead Resident Evil The remake took the things later games said happened and made it happen that way rather than go with the multiple endings route the

Though it is uncertain what precisely happened at the laboratory it is known that Wong was injured and mistaken for dead Is Ada alive or dead Resident Evil The remake took the things later games said happened and made it happen that way rather than go with the multiple endings route the

Does Ada Die In Resident Evil 2


Does Ada Die In Resident Evil 2


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Ada Wong Death Scene With Classic 1998 Music 4K HD RESIDENT EVIL 2

Assuming something broke the water tension right before she hit the water she wasnt belly flopping its still possible If Ada landed in water she would die unless something fell below her to break the water tension If you ever played resident evil the umbrella chronicles it tells you at the beginning of Ada s story mission how she survived

She did not die during the final boss fight on the B games she throws you a rocket launcher I d say it s pretty much impossible to survive the death in the Leon s A game but The Resident Evil 2 Can you save Ada question is bound to come up in the final moments of Leon s playthrough After an explosive farewell it may seem as though Ada dies But is her death

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The game s scriptwriters have confirmed that Ada does not die from the shot but instead falls from the helicopter she is in landing safely This raises questions about Ada s Ada should be dead But she isn t because reasons But then again throughout the game Leon gets stabbed bitten beaten impaled exploded bodyslammed etc etc but then just

Though likely suffering broken ribs or a dislocated shoulder judging by her labored breathing and clutching her side Ada has cheated death once more Sadly her signature red But yes in canon Ada survives because she shows up again in RE4 If she is dead Leon will be dead too If ada would be dead leon would have made a move on halena


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Does Ada Die In Resident Evil 2 - Ada did not die in RE2 as far as I remember after she gets hit I think from William Birkin in that trolley Leon helps her to rest and goes out to kill one of the most irritating RE bosses ever