Divinity 2 Walkthrough Locked Inventory Here is the way First put a capacitor on the square at Teacher s Room Capacitors can be found at Sallow Man s camp and inside the academy rooms one on the west room storage inside the academy one master corpse in the library and one in a cabinet in the library Adjust the pylons to proper positions
I m in a single player game and two of my charakters have a locked inventory 4 goingindefinetly Feb 1 2018 4 41pm I too was having the same issue but simply restarting the game solved it I would suspect it has something to do with the most recent update as till now the game has run beautifully for me 5 Joined Dec 2021 Hi everyone I have a problem The inventory bags from two of my companions are locked I am not able to unlock them The problem is I can not use the items of thoses bags or can equip the characters Now the have no wappons and I can not help it
Divinity 2 Walkthrough Locked Inventory
Divinity 2 Walkthrough Locked Inventory
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It isn t obvious but you can have multiple character sheets inventory window open Simply press I then switch to another char e g via F1 F4 then press I The new inventory window will probably overlay the existing window so simply drag it aside This allows you to drag and drop items between the two inventories making it MUCH faster to 2 Talk to almira with a separate character and get the dialogue to the give Swornbreaker option 3 Use SwornBreaker skill on the Sworn charcter and quickly also do the give Swornbreaker option This will break your oath and also give a full durability Swornbreker Sword to Almira 4
Prologue Escape Covers from the moment you wake up until you wash up on shore Chapter 1 The Merryweather Chapter 2 Escape from Reaper s Eye Intermission Lady Vengeance Chapter 3 I the 1 This Divinity Original Sin 2 guide is an extensive collection of tips useful at the beginning of the game and when completing storyline quests Inside you ll find information useful at any moment of the game regardless of whether you are a veteran gamer or just beginning your adventure with video games Our guide has been divided into two
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The key to the small box on the shelf is hidden behind some crates and barrels and the key to the cellar is up on the rafter Press a hidden button in the southeast corner of Jackson s cellar to lower an iron cleaver with 1 evade in the center of the room It s a very good weapon for the beginning of the game Divinity Original Sin 2 Guides Walkthrough gives players an overview of the game s challenges and detailed guides on how to optimize a character or find special loot hidden away in secret containers Players can use this information to complete challenging quests get trophies and achievements and improve their overall survivability in Reaper s Coast
Divinity Original Sin 2 s first challenge is getting safely or at least successfully in and out of the Fort Joy prison camp You may have noticed there are quite a few ways to crack that Guide to Inventory Management DOS2 Guide If you ve ever played this game you probably noticed how quickly your inventory fills with random stuff and how hard that can make it to find that one item you re looking for If you ve tried out the respective giftbag you will also know how horrible it is In this guide I will share my personal method
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Divinity 2 Walkthrough Locked Inventory - It isn t obvious but you can have multiple character sheets inventory window open Simply press I then switch to another char e g via F1 F4 then press I The new inventory window will probably overlay the existing window so simply drag it aside This allows you to drag and drop items between the two inventories making it MUCH faster to