Divinity 2 Walkthrough Battle Tower Hidden Passage

Divinity 2 Walkthrough Battle Tower Hidden Passage The Battle Tower is a location on Sentinel Island in Divinity II Dragon Knight Saga Many outstanding quests in Broken Valley will be failed after assuming control of the tower as it is not possible to return to the village or surface of the valley Contents 1 Background 2 Layout 3 Platforms 3 1 Battle Tower servants

Feb 26 2013 2 43pm Clearing the debris in the Battle Tower requires explosives that are hidden in a secret area This video shows you the location of the switch to access the secret area as well as an additional switch that nets you a key to the chest near the explosives Divinity II Battle Tower Secret Area and Key Location YouTube 2023 Google LLC Clearing the debris in the Battle Tower requires explosives that are hidden in a secret area

Divinity 2 Walkthrough Battle Tower Hidden Passage


Divinity 2 Walkthrough Battle Tower Hidden Passage
https://lparchive.org/Divinity-II-The-Dragon-Quest-Saga/Update 52/27-C36-06.jpg


Battle Tower Throne Room Video Divinity 2 Ego Draconis Mod DB


Divinity 2 Ego Draconis Part 24 27 Battle Tower 2nd To Last YouTube

3 0 Next Walkthrough Sentinel Island Side quests Prev Walkthrough Sentinel Island M3 4 Map Forlorn Cave The Prophecy Island will order you to bring his teachers into the Battle Tower First you have to talk to each of the teachers and then approach the corresponding totem and choose it Think twice before choosing because you can t undo this Here is how to proceed but ALSO to get into the first cell room that is locked Hidden switch Playing in Nvidia Surround

Joined Oct 2009 Location Belgique Wavre Hi at the back of the cell next to the one with the broken door if I remember correctly it s on the right corner against the wall on one of the wooden beam Last edited by Greuf 03 11 09 11 46 PM Re Battle tower secret passage Ellekke 390705 04 11 09 08 58 AM Reaching the Battle Tower through underground tunnels Secret doors and keys Resolving What s in a Name quest

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Battle Tower Divinity Wiki Fandom

The key to the small box on the shelf is hidden behind some crates and barrels and the key to the cellar is up on the rafter Press a hidden button in the southeast corner of Jackson s cellar to lower an iron cleaver with 1 evade in the center of the room It s a very good weapon for the beginning of the game Map Spoiler click to reveal Now head south of Catherine to find a bunch of people on the left past the rocks in a big camp 1 You ll want to talk to Radcliff Hermosa Turgoyn and

After killing the monsters summoned by Sassan M3 2 1 during The Second Coming quest M3 4 one of them will drop key K2 which opens chest S2 in the room from which you ll be going back Plant the explosive charge under the buried passage M3 3 5 at the end of the corridor you will find key K3 which opens chest S3 Welcome to our Divinity II Ego Draconis Flames of Vengeance walkthrough Simply click any of the links within the navigation bar to the right and you will be brought to the respective area


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Divinity 2 Walkthrough Battle Tower Hidden Passage - Head to the alchemist s area first and find a key on the lab table That key you found will open another chest found in the necromancer s lair Next visit the trainer s terrace to find another chest in there with a key inside Use it to unlock the chest at the smith s area that contains the final key You may as well get the dragon skillbook