Divinity 2 The Hold Walkthrough The Beginning The Hold serves as the game s tutorial playthrough Upon finishing the character creation section their character will wake up with a collar which prevents you from using Source magic Take this opportunity to talk to the Magisters on the boat and to start looting for items
Troubled Waters The epic journey of D OS II starts in The Hold the prison ship that transports sourcerers to Fort Joy There are many fellow prisoners on board this ship including your future teammates Note You cannot recruit them right now There are also some lootable crates and sacks mainly containing a few coins The Hold An alphabetical list of quests that begin on this map The Beast o the Sea The Collar Read it to learn six cooking food recipes potatoes You start your DOS2 adventure here Redemption Closed door gates etc Mostly they will need a key or high lockpicking skill to open them but some these with low HP can be opened by force Locked
Divinity 2 The Hold Walkthrough
Divinity 2 The Hold Walkthrough
Divinity 2 Developers Cut Direct Links Games For Gamers Zone
Divinity 2 Walkthrough Part 32 YouTube
Ad Blocker Consider an upgrade to PRO to remove ads and get extra features Upgrade To Pro Interactive map of every item in Divinity Original 2 Find secrets treasure unique weapons quests hidden areas Use the progress tracker to find everything All known locations on the map The Hold Door show the map Related quests Troubled Waters Locked No key around but you can use your weapon and easily destroy the door Greasy Door show the map Locked lock lvl 1 Can be opened with the Greasy Key Greasy Key show the map The key lies on the ground in the corner hard to spot
Chapter 1 The Merryweather Chapter 2 Escape from Reaper s Eye Intermission Lady Vengeance Chapter 3 I the Godwoken Chapter 4 Mastering the Source Up Next Prologue Escape Creating the 1 The Hold start and magister Siwan 2 The Hold magister Waters 3 The Hold magister William Windego and the stairs to the middle deck 4 The Hold magisters Murtof and Ricks 5 The Hold exit to the upper deck You begin the game as you wake up in a room which looks like a laboratory 1 First talk to magister Siwan who is in the room
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Divinity 2 Walkthrough Part 12 YouTube
The Hold Tutorial Deck Divinity Original Sin 2 Walkthrough
End of The Hold Currently the most amount of experience you can leave The Hold with is 3 100 giving you a strong start at level 2 and 1 100 EXP towards level 3 Gold and items are highly variable but if you are lucky you can leave the ship with a full set of level 1 basic gear Weapons included Fort Joy Beach 1 420 Potential EXP Fort 9 4 1K views 6 years ago Divinity Original Sin is an isometric single player and cooperative multiplayer fantasy RPG with tactical turn based combat a highly interactive world and lots of
This page contains links to all the interactive maps I ve been able to create for the game Divinity Original Sin 2 The Hold The Hold is the name of the first tutorial location available in the game that the players start on their adventure It s a smal three deck prison ship that transports sourcerers to Fort Joy and where the Troubled Updated Sep 25 2017 Your adventure begins with you trapped on a boat Once free explore the area you are currently in and then speak to the NPC Your answers here won t have much standing later
Divinity 2 Walkthrough Part 54 YouTube
The Hold Tutorial Deck Divinity Original Sin 2 Walkthrough
Divinity 2 The Hold Walkthrough - Divinity Original Sin 2 Guides Walkthrough gives players an overview of the game s challenges and detailed guides on how to optimize a character or find special loot hidden away in secret containers