Descent 2 Level 24 Walkthrough Hello everyone Well this is it the final level of Descent II A powerful but not impossible boss awaits us along with a level filled with more than a fe
Part 1 Zeta Aquilae System D2 levels are grouped in 6 Systems each system includes 4 levels plus one secret level In total there are 24 levels plus 6 secret levels The last level of each system has a Boss robot to destroy instead of the reactor 1996 Browse game Gaming Browse all gaming Longplay going through all 30 levels on Hotshot using DXX Rebirth v0 58 1 played with Keyboard and Mouse I put aside the stress I m going through just to
Descent 2 Level 24 Walkthrough
Descent 2 Level 24 Walkthrough
Descent Walkthrough Intro Level 1 YouTube
Descent 2 Level 4 Robby Station YouTube
Descent 2 level 24 how to s Pheeew really a hard one Took me quite some time to figure those things out especially getting the one close to the blue keycard door was more difficult than anyting in those secret levels But you know using the Earthshakers is the easiest way to kill the boss Cloaking Device Level 1 Lunar Outpost Level 2 Lunar Scilab Level 3 Lunar Military Base Venus Level 4 Venus Atmospheric Base Level 5 Venus Nickel Iron Mine Mercury Level 6 Mercury Solar Lab Level 7 Mercury Core Mars Level 8 Mars Processing Station Level 9 Mars Military Dig Level 10 Mars Military Base Secret Level 1 Asteroid Secret Base Jupiter
Release March 13 1996 Expansions 1 available Also Known As Descent 2 EU Franchises Descent 89 more Games You May Like Kingpin Life of Crime Kingpin is a tale of revenge Take Here are my demos from the Descent II video game a 1996 sequel to This long overdue demo shows how I defeated the level 24 boss on ACE difficulty Yep finally got around to recording it Unlike my other boss demos this one starts outside the yellow door I do this because there is a switch behind it that is important to the red room
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Updated 01 24 2016 Highest Rated Guide Overview The Descent provides a change of pace from the main game and indeed the previous expansion Rather than providing an open world with lots of Christmas with UZ What is this game Created by Parallax Software and published by Interplay in 1995 Descent is a first person shooter that is played with six degrees of freedom
Descent The Game Most people using D2X XL will know perfectly what Descent is about and how to play it but for the few new to it I have written a brief guide to the game to you give an idea of what you re up to when entering a PTMC mine on a far far away planet in the dark of outer space Story Descent 2 boss robots On these pages you ll find techniques and demos of how to kill the big bosses of D2 Each of them requires a more or less similar tactic and the main problem usually is to finish him before your Clokaking Device is used up As well it depends on the skill level you re playing at how much time it ll take
DESCENT 2 Gameplay Full HD 60FPS YouTube
Let s Play Descent 2 Level 4 Robby City YouTube
Descent 2 Level 24 Walkthrough - Here are my demos from the Descent II video game a 1996 sequel to This long overdue demo shows how I defeated the level 24 boss on ACE difficulty Yep finally got around to recording it Unlike my other boss demos this one starts outside the yellow door I do this because there is a switch behind it that is important to the red room