Decoding The Ancient Ruins Full Walkthrough Beta 1 Site I know enough to be able to say this If you know the grind of Elite this mission Decoding the Ancient Ruins is a godsend It may appear tedious but it s better than other tasks that you could do I completed this mission twice so far and after publishing this I will most likely be doing it again And again
The Decoding The Ancient Ruins mission you get from Ram Tah at Felice Dock in the Meene system is a very lucrative mission you can do pretty early on in Elit Click each GR Guardian Ruin site number below to go to the map of the site Ta Tablet To Totem Ur Urn Ca Casket Re Relic Or Orb 11 sites on 10 bodies in 10 systems 2738 LY 138454 LS
Decoding The Ancient Ruins Full Walkthrough Beta 1 Site
Decoding The Ancient Ruins Full Walkthrough Beta 1 Site
Temples Of The African Gods Decoding The Ancient Ruins Of Southern Africa Stone Circle Tours
Decoding the Ancient ruins Elite Dangerous Roguey 2 37K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 26 2 5K views 6 years ago In this video I explain how to solve hopefully the Ancient ruin puzzle The Decoding The Ancient Ruins mission you get from Ram Tah at Felice Dock in the Meene system is a very lucrative mission you can do pretty early on in Elite Dangerous It is a very useful mission to do as soon as you can after you start playing Elite Dangerous because you can earn up to 111 million credits if you complete the whole mission
The Ancient Ruins Run Optimized Way 5 Hours Easy Walkthrough Help The Guardians ruins mission can now be done in solo mode without bug CMDR X O Zet and Canonn research Group made a 11 sites list which gives all messages needed to complete the mission as quick as possible Strictly in game you can start by going to the galaxy map and configure it to highlight guardian systems However it will do just that highlight you systems where guardian structures have been found When you visit such a system after the honk the nav panel will show you a POI when you abroach within 1000ls of a body with Ancient Ruins or
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If you visit all ruins types you are guaranteed to get at least 80 of different data segments Different ruins types are marked by different letters alpha beta gamma and their numbers For example Alpha 1 differs from Aplha 2 and so on Decoding the Ancient ruins Tuesday 14th February 2017 Posted by Roguey 0 comments During the past weeks many commanders have been trying to solve the ancient ruin puzzle Due to bugs and lack of knowledge it has left many commanders confused even wondering if the puzzle could even be solved Since my last post on the sites on the
Decoding Ancient Ruins Ram Tah I m in Synuefe XR H d11 102 trying to decode the central obelisk Canonn map A History 9 The guide is telling me to use Casket Casket but alas that combination doesn t work This is the only one that did not work Anyone have the current combination A side question Make sure you get the correct mission it s called Decrypting the Guardian Logs There is another mission is this system called Decoding the Ancient Ruins this is the first Ram Tah mission and is not the one you want You should get a message in your inbox on docking and the mission will appear in your Transactions Tab
Can t Get The Ram Tah Decoding Ancient Ruins Mission To Work NVRMIND I m An Idiot SOLVED
Decoding Ancient Secrets Could Be Just A Trip Away
Decoding The Ancient Ruins Full Walkthrough Beta 1 Site - Ancient Ruins Elite Dangerous Wiki Fandom Ancient Ruins sites have so far been found to have three main topographical configurations each of which has multiple minor variations in how alien structures like obelisks are arranged There are 6 types of artifacts in the cairns Ancient Orbs Tablets Totems Relics Urns and Caskets