Dead Space 2 Walkthrough Escape Hospital

Dead Space 2 Walkthrough Escape Hospital Part 2Part 3 is here http www youtube watch v 5iKEzvcx1S4

Once you enter another hospital ward go right then left again Hop into the small room for a text log 3 48 Orderly TPS Report 1411 WARNING This video may or may not almost 100 certain that there is contain vulgar language Hey broski s and brahski s HaHaGuy123 here torturing myself

Dead Space 2 Walkthrough Escape Hospital


Dead Space 2 Walkthrough Escape Hospital


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Through the first gate you ll be startled by a lone Necromorph Mash the on screen prompt to throw it off you It will get smashed in the door and leave you to continue How creative can you get with your first free checklist Look for weapon node planning traps always with the traps power node counts node door locations and surpirse Necromorph

Like the original Dead Space Dead Space 2 delivers a rousing adventure as Isaac battles the Necromorphs struggles with his past and with the demons that have been Here you will find a complete walkthrough to the main story line collectible locations guides for every audio log power node and schematic in the game and included an

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Welcome to the comprehensive step by step walkthrough for Dead Space 2 Let us be your guide on your way to obtain the full 1 250 GS without story spoilers All achievements except During the escape aim for the lit spots In many ways this is just like Left 4 Dead Be sure to hold the SPRINT button so you move quickly Slowing down is death since the non Love Boat Isaac

Our Dead Space 2 Game Guide provides a full walkthrough tips for defeating bosses and hints for obtaining powerful gear Here s what s inside Walkthrough A walkthrough to escape the Isaac suits up and continues his escape But he is never safe Outro music Ghostly Presence BensoundMusic Bensound free music for videosLicense


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Dead Space 2 Walkthrough Escape Hospital - How creative can you get with your first free checklist Look for weapon node planning traps always with the traps power node counts node door locations and surpirse Necromorph