Day Of The Tentacle Maniac Mansion Walkthrough

Day Of The Tentacle Maniac Mansion Walkthrough This walkthrough is written to guide you through all 58 achievements in one playthrough and is hopefully structured to unlock all achievements in the most logical order There are 28 main

3 guides Playable Character DAVE Default Walk to Left to front of mansion Pick Up Door Mat Pick Up Key Unlock Front Door with Key and enter Mansion Open Door only door in entryway of 8 Hoagie 9 Laverne Bernard After he talks pick up the flier from rack help wanted sign and dime Go into Dr Fred s office and pick up Swiss bankbook Open the desk drawer and take a Booboo B Gone Open portrait and leave Go into the secret lab with open grandfather clock 1 Pick up the paper Dr

Day Of The Tentacle Maniac Mansion Walkthrough


Day Of The Tentacle Maniac Mansion Walkthrough


Maniac Mansion Day Of The Tentacle 1993 Promotional Art MobyGames


Day Of The Tentacle Maniac Mansion 2 6 LAUT IST GUT GERMAN Let s Play DOTT

As a quick synopsis DAY OF THE TENTACLE is a wacky adventure where one of Dr Fred s pet tentacles mutates into an insane genius and tries to take over the world Well what possible harm could His creator fidgety mad scientist Doctor Fred Edison realized the threat to all humanity and captured Purple Tentacle along with his good natured brother Green Tentacle and plans to have

Walk through the door on the right to get the bucket and open the red cabinet to get the brush Exit the room and use the bucket with the water pump to fill it with water Walk back through the Dr Fred decides the only way to save the world is to send everyone back to the previous day and turn off the Sludge O Matic before Purple Tentacle drinks from it But the Chron O Johns

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Maniac Mansion Day Of The Tentacle 1993 Box Cover Art MobyGames


Maniac Mansion Day Of The Tentacle Fan art E Greeting Card For Sale By Calmesbtpi Redbubble,500x,w,f8f8f8-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.jpg


Maniac Mansion Day Of The Tentacle 1993 Box Cover Art MobyGames

Time to screw with a bit of history Exit Main Hall exit Front Door and follow the path back around to the Outhouses Use Red Paint on Kumquat Tree Only Hoagie Can Make a Tree Create a cherry November 12 2010 6 00 Am 11 17 AM I redid the whole walkthrough so that everyone can get through the game faster ran another spell check on the entire guide and added more quotes to the

Day of the Tentacle also known as Maniac Mansion II Day of the Tentacle is a 1993 graphic adventure game developed and published by LucasArts It is the s Doctor Fred Edison is a scientist who was first seen in Maniac Mansion and also appears in Day of the Tentacle He is the inventor of the time traveling Chron


Maniac Mansion Day Of The Tentacle 1993 Box Cover Art MobyGames


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Day Of The Tentacle Maniac Mansion Walkthrough - 4 If you get stuck think about what things might be needed to move on and where they might be located Most of the sub puzzles are a string of items necessary to achieve a result 5 The game