Dark Forces 2 Walkthrough Level 13 Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2 No Commentary HD Remake uses mods to produce high quality textures this Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2 walkthrough
Level 13 of Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces II titled The Lost Planet of the Jedi Played on the Medium difficulty with 100 secrets After using WeeGee Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces II Level 13 Walkthrough No Commentary Lost Planet of the Jedi Objectives Find and destroy all of the circuits powering th
Dark Forces 2 Walkthrough Level 13
Dark Forces 2 Walkthrough Level 13
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This is a complete step by step guide walkthrough for Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces II It will assist you along the journey of Kyle Katarn and will lead you to every one of the game s secret areas and show you how to ultimately maximize Kyle s Force capabilities It is written for both beginners and veterans alike and contains thorough The Most Dangerous Man is the One with Nothing Left to Lose When outlaws murdered your wife and took your daughter You can be part of an elite squad of soldiers in Star Wars Republic Commando Play as one of a team of republic troop For Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces II on the PC GameFAQs has 7 guides and walkthroughs
Single Player Walkthrough Level 1 Double Cross on Nar Shaddaa The cutscene before this level introduces 8t88 and re introduces Kyle 88 reveals his motive assisting Jerec and leaves Kyle in the hands of some Grans Kyle quickly escapes his keepers Then the level begins as the remaining Gran runs off Secret Area 1 8 Once the level starts immediately turn to the right and head up the slope Shoot the darker section of wall to reveal the secret area Secret Area 2 8 There is a section of moss covered rock wall along the left side of the house that is obviously different from the rest Shoot it to blow it open
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Force Pull the rail detonator out of the hands of the Trando and then ta ke out the enemies on the other side Drop down to the next level and then turn on Force Speed and Force Jump across onto the beam Do not fall into the water In the next room take the door on your right Force Jump up to the higher ledge and shoot the explosive barrels Walkthrough for DARK FORCES II Jedi Knight Writer Not Known Beware Accuracy of detail in this walkthrough has not been verified Level 13 The Lost Planet Of The Jedi Drop down the ledges and ramps and follow the left hand ledge around until you reach the forcefield Then scarper up the ramp blast the turrets and slash the power supply
Jerec makes frequent use of Force Lightning and more rarely Force Destruction Unlike Boc Jerec will not distance himself from the player and cast Destruction he will cast it if the player runs away Force Protection is useful against the lightning and Blinding is useful for distracting Jerec for a short time Dark Forces Mission 2 After the Massacre Objectives Find and restart the hydro electric power generator Find some evidence of the Dark Trooper Make your way back to the landing area Walkthrough You ll start the mission being dropped off at a back part of the city The city has been blown apart so there are multiple paths to take
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Dark Forces 2 Walkthrough Level 13 - 2 7 Secrets FAQ PC Dec 6 2001 Pierre Hugues Goyet Pierre Hugues Goyet 27 4 kb Got a Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces II walkthrough FAQ or Guide Use the submission form or email them