Crash Bandicoot 3 Secret Level Eggipus Rex The secret portal to Eggipus Rex is in the eleventh mission Dino Might i e one of the oriental ones BEFORE you try to find the secret portal you have to find the Yellow
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Crash Bandicoot 3 Secret Level Eggipus Rex
Crash Bandicoot 3 Secret Level Eggipus Rex
Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped Secret Level 32 Eggipus Rex Gem Relic
Crash Bandicoot 3 N Sane Trilogy Secret Level Eggipus Rex Gem
Eggipus Rex is a secret level that contains one clear Gem and a Relic and can only be accessed via Level 11 Dino Might To get it though several steps must be taken Step 1 Earn 10 Relics any value doesn t matter if Sapphire Gold or Crash Bandicoot 3 RELICs N Sane Trilogy https www youtube watch v n9HhlAhQLRw list PLFr4JkzoEuL2G6V67hx4BHDNQYhlHb 10 FB PAGE https www faceb
Crash Bandicoot 3 Secret Level How to Unlock Eggipus Rex Enter the Dino Might level work your way through until you reach a lift platform Jump on it and let it take you to a new area There are two secret levels in Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped Eggipus Rex and Hot Coco Both are pretty difficult and they can t be accessed from the Secret Warp Room The Secret
More picture related to Crash Bandicoot 3 Secret Level Eggipus Rex
Secret Stage Eggipus Rex Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped N Sane Trilogy
Crash Bandicoot 3 HD SECRET LEVEL Eggipus Rex 100 Walkthrough N
Eggipus Rex Gem Guide Crash Bandicoot 3 N Sane Trilogy YouTube
Actual answer In level 14 look out for a yellow Alien X ing sign on the left side of the road Ram into it with your bike to activate a secret warp For Eggipus Rex I ve a flight to catch The In the level Dino Might go on the yellow gem path and get carried off by the second pterodactyl you come across during the first chase to be taken to the secret level Eggipus Rex The final level is a new one that has been
Hidden level 32 Eggipus Rex In level 11 take the yellow Gem path you need the yellow Gem first located on the secret Time Chamber in level 27 Then when the triceratops comes Eggipus Rex is the thirty second level and the last secret level in the game It can be accessed from the yellow gem path in Dino Might the eleventh level
Crash Bandicoot 3 Eggipus Rex Gold Relic Gem Walkthrough 0 51 11
Crash Bandicoot 3 Secret Level Eggipus Rex Gold Relic And How To
Crash Bandicoot 3 Secret Level Eggipus Rex - You aren t meant to find these levels on your own at all they re strategy guide sellers That s why the pause menu says 0 28 relics and 0 42 gems and not 30 relics and 45 gems You can