Covert Front 1 Walkthrough Video Walkthrough for Covert Front 1 All quiet on the Covert Front by Pastelgames
Covert Front ep1 walkthrough You begin in front of the main entrance Go right Pick up GARDEN HOSE by vines In the wooden box pick up GARDEN SCISSORS On the wall with the vines click to find an electric panel Use scissors on the wires Open the door and head in Check the picture of the woman on the wall to the right Covert Front Episode 1 By JohnB July 17 2007 Currently 4 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Rating 4 4 5 231 votes Platform Flash Categories adventure browser bwohlgemuth covertfront episodic flash free game kkonwerski linux mac mskutnik original pastelgames pointandclick rating g windows
Covert Front 1 Walkthrough Video
Covert Front 1 Walkthrough Video
Covert Front Download,f_auto/p/8240fe1a-322f-47e4-b205-4f62691815f8/2074522994/covert-front-8fjaPd.jpg
Covert Front 1 Introduction Music YouTube
A Walkthrough to Covert front episode 1 The other two episodes will follow more more A Walkthrough to Covert front episode 1 The other two episodes will follow In Covert Front you are a top secret agent code named Kara in an alternate history version of World War I Assigned to infiltrate the mansion of a notorious scientist Karl von Toten you must discover the incredible secrets that lie within and escape with your life But first you must figure out how to get through the front door
This is a walkthru guide for Covert Front Episode 1 a point and click mystery adventure game that will transport you to the center of an espionage filled world Play Covert Front Episode 1 Online Download Covert Front Episode 1 Outside 1 Go right at the door find the garden hose hidden under the bushes Covert Front episode 1 Share Collapse Author Comments july 23th update as I said the bug has been fixed but game awaits NG staff approval to be updated It s out of my hands july 19th update fixed the menu glitch and other minor bugs Now it runs flawlessly I hope 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 33 54 Sort By Date Score
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Walkthrough 1 You will see yourself outside a house Move to the right and pick up the garden hose under the bushes and a scissor in the box Move to the right and use the scissors to the electric box to open the door Go back where the door is and click the doorknob 2 Go in and go to the first door on the left and pick up the ice pick from the April 27 2012 At long last the tantalizing conclusion for one of more interesting PNC series on the internet A creation of partnership between Mateusz Skutnik and Karol Konwerski the Covert Front series focuses on Kara s stealthy adventure through traps and trickery while uncovering the ongoing mystery of Karl Von Toten s disappearance
Description You are top secret agent Kara and your mission is to infiltrate the mansion of Karl von Toten and discover the secrets that lie within Controls Mouse to click and interact with items Commenting Rules Guidelines Covert Front a free online Action game brought to you by Armor Games Walkthrough For Covert Front 1 You begin in front of the main entrance Go right Pick up GARDEN HOSE by vines In the wooden box pick up GARDEN SCISSORS On the wall with the vines click to find an electric panel Use scissors on the wires Check the picture of the woman on the wall to the right Notice the time on the clock 2 35
Mateusz Skutnik Covert Front Wiki Fandom
C C Covert Operations Gamer Walkthroughs
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