Coursera Python 3 Specialization 5 Walkthrough Specialization 5 course series Get in depth knowledge of a subject 4 8 209 279 reviews Beginner level No previous experience necessary 2 months at 10 hours a week Flexible schedule Learn at your own pace Prepare for a degree Learn more
1 Basics of Python 2 Python Functions Files and Dictionaries 3 Data Collection and Processing with Python 4 Python Classes and Inheritance 5 Python Project Pillow Tesseract and OpenCV It is a specialization course of Python in coursera hosted by University of Michigan Python 3 Specialization University of Michigan Coursera This repository contains the exercises assignments and experiments I did as part of completing the Python 3 Programming Specialization on Coursera https www coursera specializations python 3 programming The parent folders represent the first 4 out of 5 courses Python Basics
Coursera Python 3 Specialization 5 Walkthrough
Coursera Python 3 Specialization 5 Walkthrough*oscTt45XZT1rFgCsS_uvGg.png
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A folder of all the final projects and related work from the 5 courses in the Python 3 Programming Specialization available from Coursera Course 1 Not included too basic Course 2 Python Functions Files and Dictionaries Course 3 Data Collection and Processing with Python Course 4 Python Classes and Inheritance Course 5 Python Project 23 quantum black 4 yr ago It s a good specialization that touches on Python basics but I think more importantly it also teaches you a bit of pulling data and storing data in databases and that skill is definitely valuable in a lot of entry level analytics roles 11 WhatDaHellBobbyKaty 4 yr ago These courses are excellent
There are 7 modules in this course This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python The course has no pre requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics Anyone with moderate computer experience should This specialization came with 5 courses the most difficult part would be the last course where you have to learn how to master three Python libraries Pillow image manipulation Tesseract OCR
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This course covers Python 3 GO TO TRAINING Using Python to Access Web Data OUR TAKE This course shows you how to scrape parse and read web data as well as access data using web APIs Students will work with HTML XML and JSON data formats in Python Description This course will cover Chapters 11 13 of the textbook Python for Everybody This specialization teaches the fundamentals of programming in Python 3 We will begin at the beginning with variables conditionals and loops and get to some intermediate material like keyword parameters list comprehensions lambda expressions and class inheritance You will have lots of opportunities to practice You will also learn ways to reason about program execution so that it is
The final course Python Project pillow tesseract and opencv Course 5 is an extended project in which you ll perform optical character recognition OCR and object detection in images How the Specialization Works Take Courses A Coursera Specialization is a series of courses that helps you master a skill The Python for Everybody specialization on Coursera offers an exceptional opportunity for aspiring programmers to master the fundamentals of Python in a comprehensive engaging and flexible manner
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Coursera Python 3 Specialization 5 Walkthrough - The Coursera Python for Everybody Specialization costs USD 147 The specialization is priced using a monthly subscription model of 49 month Since the program can be completed within 3 months the total cost of the course is 147 Although Coursera suggests an 8 month completion time most complete it much earlier