Conker S Pocket Tales Walkthrough Willow Woods Berri and presents stolen oh no you must go get them Present 1 Go west of the house when you exit it and dig a hole in the mound You will go on the other side and a present will be there Present 2 Go back to the house and go south Dig into the hole so you can get onto the other side of the fence
Get the energy and go right to another puzzler Push block 1 left 2 left then up 3 up and 4 right Now exit the bottom door Go left to a switch puzzle Stomp on the switches 1 first 1 2 After that easy puzzle go up and get present 7 stomp on the switch and go back downstairs right and down Longplay of Conker s Pocket Tales played as the NTSC version on the Game Boy Color This game s version was released on June 8th 1999 Tell us what you thi
Conker S Pocket Tales Walkthrough
Conker S Pocket Tales Walkthrough
Conker s Pocket Tales Eurogamer
Conker s Pocket Tales Game Boy Color GBC
Conker s Pocket Tales Table of Contents Gameplay Walkthrough In this game Berri starts out by throwing Conker a surprise birthday party When Conker comes the Evil Acorn hops out of Conker s birthday cake and steals Berri Conker then goes on a journey to save Berri This Playthrough will show the game 100 with all 48 Blue Presents 16 Red Presents 24 Invitations and the 7 Acorn Friends found
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Conker s Pocket Tales is an adventure video game released by Rare for the Game Boy Color in 1999 that stars Conker himself and he has to rescue his girlfriend Berri from the Evil Acorn The game features a dual format cartridge that serves as both a Game Boy and Game Boy Color game The gameplay is presented from an overhead perspective where players control Conker the Squirrel Conker s Pocket Tales Table of Contents Page Discussion Read Edit View history From StrategyWiki the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Conker s Pocket Tales
Mov g RUNNING To make Conker run on 011 fours double tap o direction on the Control pad and keep it held down PUSHING Stand next to a rote press the A classic Rare character has his birthday ruined Can he pick up the pieces save his girlfriend and make this a birthday to remember Special thanks to Deci
Conker s Pocket Tales JP Box Art custom By GamerStunner27 On DeviantArt
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Conker S Pocket Tales Walkthrough - Things that you can use or get in Conker s Pocket Tales