Clock Tower 3 Walkthrough Pliers

Clock Tower 3 Walkthrough Pliers The Pliers are an item in Clock Tower and Clock Tower 3 The pliers are a required item to cut the wire off the back door in the storage room and with the storage key escape the University Research Building and complete Scenario 1 of Helen s Scenario The pliers can be found at 3rd floor They are found in Victoria Hall at the top of the lift They can be used to cut the barbed wire on the

1 Chapter IV Part II Return of Burroughs Castle e Chapter V Justice Shall Be Served III Clock Tower 3 Guide and Walkthrough PlayStation 2 Home Reviews Guide and Walkthrough PS2 by irish77 Version 2 0 Updated 03 24 2003

Clock Tower 3 Walkthrough Pliers


Clock Tower 3 Walkthrough Pliers


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Remember to stay AWAY from the wall that the door we just came through is on there s a bottle there which will alert Sledgehammer Head down the corridor and go through the door at the end Head Clock Tower 3 Guides and Walkthroughs This page here will share minor tidbits tricks cheats and hints about Clock Tower 3 As with many of the other guides on my website these are designed to be very google friendly If you re stuck and googling to get done a certain part of the game that s hopefully how you found this guide

45 Images Clock Tower 3 7 7 Review scoring Jeremy Dunham Summary A young girl is relentlessly pursued throughout time by monstrous serial killers in this 3rd person survival horror title With the pliers gripped firmly in their hands Kyte and Chuckles wander around the Concours doing Nothing actually However they do make their tragic mi

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SHN Rating for Clock Tower 3 Yesterday Alyssa was just a random schoolgirl happy and without issues in life But today all this will change as soon s Got a Clock Tower 3 walkthrough FAQ or Guide Use the submission form or email them as attachments to faqs neoseeker FAQs Guides are posted in their original unaltered form

You play as Alyssa Hamilton who after receiving a foreboding letter from her mother returns home to find her missing Her investigations on the matter star Clock Tower 3 FAQs Walkthroughs and Guides for PlayStation 2 GameFAQs Clock Tower 3 Guides and FAQs PlayStation 2 Home Guides Q A Cheats Saves Reviews Media Board Full Game Guides Guide


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Clock Tower 3 Walkthrough Pliers - Harris is a sneaky small gaunt man and has a warped infatuation with Jennifer Edward Another person who like Jennifer survived the Clock Tower incident a year ago Edward s true identity is