Chip S Challenge Level Pack 2 Walkthrough

Chip S Challenge Level Pack 2 Walkthrough Chip s Challenge 2 commonly abbreviated CC2 is the official sequel game to Chip s Challenge made by Chuck Sommerville Released on Steam May 28 2015 it contains 200 new levels featuring both original CC1 tiles and new tiles CC2 was released together with a re release of the original 149 levels of Chip s Challenge 1 The re released CC1 levels available through Steam run on the CC2 game

History Shortly after Chip s Challenge 2 s release there were discussions about creating a fan made sequel to the main CC2 set similar to CCLP2 for CC1 Such plans were soon put on hold in favor of CCLP4 Several more discussions on the subject took place until October 1 2018 when Tyler Sontag started a survey regarding the potential set to determine among other things how many Chip s Challenge 2This video shows a full playthrough for all 200 levels of Chip s Challenge 2 for Steam 00 00 Start00 39 001 LESSON 103 27 002 ALL ICE04 26

Chip S Challenge Level Pack 2 Walkthrough


Chip S Challenge Level Pack 2 Walkthrough's_Challenge_dos_cover.jpg


Chip s Challenge Level Pack 2 Levels 61 80 StrategyWiki The Video Game Walkthrough And


Chip s Challenge Level Pack 2 Levels 61 80 StrategyWiki The Video Game Walkthrough And

Description Chip s Challenge 2 Level Pack 1 is the first community level pack for Chip s Challenge 2 It contains 200 levels created by and voted on by fans If you get stuck on a level don t hestitate to visit CC Zone to ask or search for a question https forum bitbusters club More information on the levels may be available on the Chip s Level 1 LESSON 1 Level 1 time limit 100 11 chips Here we go The first eight levels of Chip s Challenge are lessons they teach the basic workings of the game introducing specific tiles in groups Lessons To play the game Chip must collect all specified computer chips to pass through the socket which will allow him to exit within the time limit

Level 82 The Block Stops Here Level 82 time limit 300 58 chips This town ain t big enough for an actually funny caption In The Block Stops Here Chip s major challenge is to choose between seven areas with red buttons in them six of which are deadly Run all the way to the southwest teleport and then circle alternately counterclockwise and clockwise through the four rooms moving U Chip s Challenge 2 commonly abbreviated CC2 is the sequel to Chip s Challenge made by Chuck Sommerville It contains 200 new levels featuring CC1 tiles and new tiles It is also released along with a rerelease of the original 149 levels of Chip s Challenge 1 It is often confused with Chip s Challenge Level Pack 2 or other custom level sets which claim to be CC2 Chip s Challenge 2 had been

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Chip s Challenge Level Pack 2 Levels 61 80 StrategyWiki The Video Game Walkthrough And

This is a walkthrough for a continuation of the game Chip s Challenge This level pack was assembled from custom made levels by many people It is similar in many ways to the original Chip s Challenge but there are many quirks not exploited in the original Chip s Challenge Level 61 Icy Moat edit edit source The route is simple but the boosting is not Spiral all the way to the center Go left for 3 chips Hit the button twice and go down for 3 chips

Chip s Challenge Level Pack 2 is an expansion for the game Chip s Challenge This level pack was assembled from custom made levels by many people It is similar in many ways to the original Chip s Challenge but there are many quirks not exploited in the original Chip s Challenge Examples include keys hidden under the floor hidden traps the Go back to the left and push the bottom block Open all the doors and clone teeth Get the chip and wait for them to open the trap Get the suction boots and go to the top Push the first block open to water through Take the left force fork and open a red door Circle counterclockwise to get a block


Chip s Challenge Level Pack 2 Levels 101 120 StrategyWiki The Video Game Walkthrough And


Chip s Challenge Level Pack 2 Levels 101 120 StrategyWiki The Video Game Walkthrough And

Chip S Challenge Level Pack 2 Walkthrough - Level 82 The Block Stops Here Level 82 time limit 300 58 chips This town ain t big enough for an actually funny caption In The Block Stops Here Chip s major challenge is to choose between seven areas with red buttons in them six of which are deadly Run all the way to the southwest teleport and then circle alternately counterclockwise and clockwise through the four rooms moving U