Chapter 2 Super Paper Mario Walkthrough

Chapter 2 Super Paper Mario Walkthrough Welcome to my walkthrough of Super Paper Mario on the Wii In this episode i am playing through chapter 2 1 Recorded with the Elgato HD and rendered in Sony V

Chapter 2 2 Tricks Treats Traps Flip into 3 D and go in the area with the coin block After hitting the block go all the way to the right and stand on the brown block Jump and climb the ladder that appears Have Peach glide to the roof of the mansion Cooking Disk W Flopside 3F Outskirts Use Tippi to reveal the blocks under the pipe in the 2F outskirts then repeat the process you used to find the Disk R by finding the hidden blocks and such

Chapter 2 Super Paper Mario Walkthrough


Chapter 2 Super Paper Mario Walkthrough


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Head up the stairs let the Koopa walk off the edge and then change dimensions Hit the four coin blocks and jump on them and from them to the next ledge Up here go again into three dimensions first to hit the hidden four coin blocks and then to go from them to the indestructible blocks above them Use Carrie to cross the spikes and enter the door at the end Answer True to the Meowmaid s questions and then enter the code 2323 to have a door appear Ride the elevator up to his secret room filled with Mario series collectibles Bounce off of the giant meowmaid to reach a chest with a FORT KEY

Welcome to my walkthrough of Super Paper Mario on the Wii In this episode i am playing through chapter 2 Prologue Recorded with the Elgato HD and rendered in From StrategyWiki the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Super Paper Mario

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Go back outside and into the room below Grab the key 2 back out to the stairs room and down the entire stair case Unlock the door and go into this room In this room there are 3 caskets each with a pokey The battles are left to right 2 pokeys 2 pokeys and a swooper and then one pokey and one swooper Welcome to my walkthrough of Super Paper Mario on the Wii In this episode i am playing through chapter 2 2 Recorded with the Elgato HD and rendered in Sony V

Drop down to the bottom left and use Bombette to reveal a hole Use the Super Block to upgrade Parakarry to Super Rank Blow up the hole to the left to face two more Stone Chomp Stone Chomp x2 4 HP each Turn 1 Power Bomb Once you ve grabbed the Diamond Stone head three screens to the right to get the Ruins Key We go to the Gloam Valley And I need to replace my batteries Yay


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