Chamber Of Judgement Tomb Raider Walkthrough 720 119 Next Optional Tombs Summit Forest Stormguard Sanctum Prev Optional Tombs Shantytown Well of Tears Entrance coordinates 712617 3416053 Note You can explore this tomb as you go through the southern part of Shantytown The entrance is located south east of the windmill right near the Windmill base camp Liberator
196 48K views 10 years ago Tomb Raider Secret Tomb guide location walkthrough Tomb 4 Chamber of Judgment Shantytown Guide to location of and solution to the fourth secret Tomb Raider Walkthrough Tomb 04 Chamber of Judgement IGN helps you solve the Chamber of Judgement the fourth hidden tomb in the new Tomb Raider from Crystal Dynamics
Chamber Of Judgement Tomb Raider Walkthrough
Chamber Of Judgement Tomb Raider Walkthrough
TOMB RAIDER Part 24 CHAMBER OF JUDGEMENT Full Gameplay Walkthrough PC Games YouTube
Tomb Raider 2013 Gameplay Walkthrough Part 17 Chamber Of Judgement YouTube
Tomb Raider Chamber of Judgment Tomb Walkthrough xRyansGameRoom 1 71K subscribers Subscribe 166 23K views 10 years ago This was one of the easier ones Definitely easy to do and the By 2022 06 04 The Chamber of Judgment is the fourth tomb that can be raided by Lara Croft in the new Tomb Raider Like the Well of Tears the Chamber of Judgment tomb is located in
Tomb Raider 2013 Chamber of Judgement Tomb Puzzle GuideTomb Raider Secret Tomb Guide Shantytown Chamber of Judgment Tomb 4 Thanks for watching I In the first circular chamber search the left side to find a GPS CACHE among the grass Keep moving until Lara slides down the slippery slope and be ready to get a good grip Move over the
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Tomb Raider Chamber Of Judgement Tomb Walkthrough YouTube
Tomb Raider Chamber of Judgment or the fourth tomb in the video game is also located in Shantytown just like the third tomb named Well of Tears The entrance to Chamber of Judgment is behind the Fast Travel Camp called Windmill which is found while Lara tries to reach Grim The Fast Travel Camp is on the eastern side of the second area in Shantytown Shantytown Chamber of Judgment Challenge Tomb Part 1 Enter the tunnel near the campsite A little way in the passage widens into a cave with planks and a few body parts scattered on the ground On the left hidden amid some scrubby plants is the last GPS cache 15 15 Use Survival Instinct if you re having trouble spotting it
Open it for 1250 XP 250 salvage a HANDGUN PART 2 3 and the Shantytown GPS Cache Map If you ve been following this walkthrough you won t need the map but it does help with 100 completion Return to the opening above the climbing wall 2 The Pit of Judgement Head north east from Ruins Encampment and pass behind the waterfall Climb a couple of flights of wooden stairs then enter the large cave Grapple jump the gap and
TOMB RAIDER 2013 Walkthrough PART 20 Chamber Of Judgment YouTube
TOMB RAIDER Definitive Edition 20 Chamber Of Judgment PS4 Gameplay Walkthrough YouTube
Chamber Of Judgement Tomb Raider Walkthrough - By 2022 06 04 The Chamber of Judgment is the fourth tomb that can be raided by Lara Croft in the new Tomb Raider Like the Well of Tears the Chamber of Judgment tomb is located in