Cayo Perico Madrazo Files Code

Cayo Perico Madrazo Files Code Safe code is one amidst the numerous heist preparatory missions required for the Cayo Perico Heist Here are the steps to get the safe code and location of the Madrazo Files in GTA Online The

The Madrazo Files is a plot element featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of The Cayo Perico Heist update The Madrazo Cartel is having some disagreements with one of their main suppliers Juan Strickler better known One more primary target the Madrazo Files is exclusively available on your first ever playthrough of the heist These files are valued at 1 100 000 and are a primary target as part of the story Five Cayo Perico

Cayo Perico Madrazo Files Code


Cayo Perico Madrazo Files Code


The Madrazo Files YouTube


Cayo Perico Price List

This code does vary from game to game GTA Online players now only need to crack the safe and retrieve the documents Once the players escape safely and hopefully quietly from Cayo Perico The first intel mission you unlock in GTA Online s Cayo Perico Heist is to find the Madrazo Files To do this you will need to head to the island On the island you will need to collect a bunch of intel for you heist planning

Here is a step by step guide to finding all of the Madrazo Files in Cayo Perido Once the player is able to begin this mission here is what they need to do Step 1 Leave the submarine and head to the LSIA Private Terminal A Guns plasma cutter safe code cutting torch fingerprint cloner No need to do any of the disruption preps Someone posted this video which shows probably the easiest way to run cayo

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Players must look for the Basement and Office camera to locate the Madrazo Files After learning the location of the documents Pavel will send the player to different parts of Cayo Perico GTA Madrazo Files Safe Code Preparation Mission from Cayo Perico Heist preparation in solo gameplay Gameplay of getting the Madrazo Files Safe Codes easy fo

After you witness a cutscene where Strickler kills off his head of security with his pet panther you need to switch your camera feeds to locate the primary target which is the Madrazo Cartel s How to find the Madrazo Files on Cayo Perico Before you start the prep missions you need to scope out the island but first you need to secure passage there


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Cayo Perico Madrazo Files Code - You ll need a Safe Code to gain access to the files Madrazo wants so accept this section of Heist Prep from the planning station aboard the Kosatka then head to the Diamond Casino