Causality Game Walkthrough Level 3

Causality Game Walkthrough Level 3 Casualty is an online flash game in which players must kill every stick figure in an area using as little time as possible The third level of this game takes place on a military base featuring a watchtower several explosive barrels and a truck By setting certain events in motion at the right time you can easily complete the level

This is a complete walkthrough guide with answers and solutions for the iOS Android and PC game Causality by Loju Games Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section See my Causality review here Set 1 Levels 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 There are a total of 13 achievements in Causality Four are earned through normal progression 8 are gained through solving levels in a specific way and the final achievement is awarded for solving all 60 levels only 10 of each section are necessary to get to the next section after beating 10 you can solve an additional 5 levels per section that s 15 per section total

Causality Game Walkthrough Level 3


Causality Game Walkthrough Level 3


Causality Game Level 408 Walkthrough YouTube


Causality Game Level 410 Walkthrough YouTube

Level complete Level three Click on the search light The man will go knock down a barrel turn around and walk past a stack of two barrels As he s walking past those two barrels click on the top one to knock it down on top of him Causality 3 Walkthrough Cheat a game from www bored Walkthrough of all 3 levels http www bored game play 150940 Causality 3 html

Connect Us With Facebook https goo gl nG8XACHelp a group of stranded astronauts in a foreign alien landscapes avoid danger and to exit that matches thei Level 2 Click on the small cracks above the stickman sitting on the toilet There is one crack to the left and one to the right of the ceiling You will see the cracks get bigger Move the brick on the bottom to the edge of the left hand side of the roof This will cause the stickman on the roof to start walking over to fix the brick

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In Causality a gorgeous new puzzle game from Loju Games you are granted the power of time manipulation to help a group of astronauts stranded on a distant planet Each level of the game presents you with one or more lost astronauts positioned at various points along a path The aim is to get each astronaut to his or her corresponding coloured square on the path HELP LEVEL 1 1 Wait until the sticman comes then click on the STICK COLA automat When the skateboarder shows up fast click on the stairs Then click on the sticman with cola and wait until he and stickman with newspaper falls on the road Click ARRIVING When the train goes away click ARRIVING two more trains

Game details Kill all the stickmen without the other stickmen noticing someone dying Sound s easy Its not You have to think to click in patterns to complete each level Category Thinking Games 171 Share Save 288K views 14 years ago I noticed there wasn t a single video walkthrough for the game Causality from bored games so my little brother and i made one The game only


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Causality Game Walkthrough Level 3 - LEVEL 3 first of all light 6 candles at each window and one candle on the chandelier click the giant cross on the wall to turn it upside down now click the guy standing at the holy water until the guy down throws up and falls and click him a ghost appears click the guy sitting once the ghost catcher comes click him when the ghost is