Broken Age Act 2 Ending Walkthrough Use your knife on the pipe on the right to cut a small piece of pipe Look at the right pressure vent and use your short pipe on one of the tubes When Vella says which one tap the bottom tube then use your finger to drag the other end of your pipe to the middle tube This will make a hexagon jut out of the wall
The Broken Age Walkthrough is split up into two sections the Shay half and the Vella half Click a character to read the walkthrough for that Broken Age Act 2 Walkthrough Broken Age Act 2 is a point and click adventure game developed by Double Fine In this game you take on the role of a young determined woman named
Broken Age Act 2 Ending Walkthrough
Broken Age Act 2 Ending Walkthrough
Broken Age Act 2 Is The Meaty Main Course That Act 1 Should Have Been VentureBeat
Broken Age Act 2 Walkthrough Part 6 Vella YouTube
0 00 6 23 29 Broken Age Act 2 Walkthrough Part 1 Gameplay Ending Full Let s Play Playthrough Review Guide NukemDukem 965K subscribers Join Subscribe 1 9K Share 150K views Streamed 7 Broken Age Act 2 Gameplay Full Game All Puzzles Solved Explore meet the citizens of Meriloft as Shay and Vella shine new light on the events of the first ha
0 00 58 47 Broken Age Act 2 Ending No Commentary Endless SOS 1 76K subscribers Subscribe 1 7K 282K views 8 years ago No Commentary After completing both Vella and Shay s stories in Act This is a written step by step walkthrough to the Act 2 puzzles avoiding as much story or plot spoilers as possible No need to watch a video to follow the guide Table of contents on side sorted by character for quick access to the puzzles Award Favorite Share Part 1a Shay Puzzles
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Broken Age Act 2 Is Now Available For Everyone For Linux Mac And Windows PC
Complete Broken Age Walkthrough with Achievements By Brittlebear A complete guide to Broken Age with achievements and easter eggs Providing a text based step by step guide with visuals 14 2 3 2 2 Award Favorite Share The Games Basics Clicking around the screen will move Vella or Shay to that location Broken Age Act 2 Vella s Puzzles Walkthrough Ishmael Romero Apr 28 2015 Vella s Puzzles in Broken Age Act 2 SPOILERS AHEAD Broken Age Act 2 picks up right where the
The solution Do nothing Just wait until the snake passes out so you can pick it up off the floor and add it to your inventory Return to Shellmound and use the snake on Marshall Dune This will squeeze him so tight that he ll choke up a tuner which you ll automatically grab Fucking I got every puzzle but that stupid Weaver one at the end Seems like you had issues too Thanks to whoever viewer that mentioned the sound puzzle
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Broken Age Act 2 Review IGN
Broken Age Act 2 Ending Walkthrough - Broken Age Act 2 Gameplay Full Game All Puzzles Solved Explore meet the citizens of Meriloft as Shay and Vella shine new light on the events of the first ha