Borderlands 2 Mighty Morphin Inject Pod Walkthrough Learn how to inject pods and complete the Mighty Morphin quest in Borderlands 2 with this video walkthrough See how to deal with the mutated Varkids and get the rewards from Sir Hammerlock
Watch in HD Sir Hammerlock wants to experiment on Varkids which turns out to be a disaster View a full playlist here for this game and other walkthroughs h Mighty Morphin is an optional mission in Borderlands 2 given by Sir Hammerlock It becomes available after A Dam Fine Rescue is complete Contents 1 2 2 1 3 4 Notes 5 6 Background
Borderlands 2 Mighty Morphin Inject Pod Walkthrough
Borderlands 2 Mighty Morphin Inject Pod Walkthrough
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Walkthrough DLC Commander Lilith and The Fight for Sanctuary All living things are beautiful Even the disgusting 1 Bob Apr 20 2013 8 22pm After talking to Sir Hammerlock you ll have a needle looking thing When you go to Tundra Express shoot Varkids without killing them and some will mutate by forming a pod Just frob the pod before an adult Varkid bursts out of it Erm make sure you have a good weapon for what happens next nija d D
Guide Home Mighty Morphin Talk to sir Hammerlock and retrieve the injection from him You can do this while doing the main story mission A Train to Catch Head to the the varkid nests and disturb them Keep an eye to the one that will burrow on the ground and immediately inject it while it s on pod form At this point they will start to form a pod A big orange sack thing Run up to it and press E to inject it Then you can wait and a Badass Mutated Varkid will spawn you can then kill that and that s it Just repeat as many times as you need NOTE a Varkid will not mutate into a pod if it s by itself
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Mighty Morphin Availability Speak with Sir Hammerlock in Sanctuary Moxxi s Bar Objectives Inject a special serum in the cocoons of the Varkids Extra hints and tips Having a shield ready 2012 Browse game Gaming Browse all gaming Another guide This one is for the Mighty Morphin Side Mission which you get from talking to Sir Hammerlock in Sanctuary after A Dam Fine Rescue
Experience 2333 XP Walkthrough The first thing that needs to be done is to take the evolutionary injector from Sir Hammerlock Next we need to travel to Tundra Express using the new exit point from Three Horns Divide if we haven t already visited the area In this area the varkids are everywhere so it should not be hard at all to find some 1 Hammerlock Tundra Express 2 Varkid nests mounds Speak with Hammerlock 1 and take the Evolutionary injector Afterwards head to Tundra Express and approach one of the Varkid nests mounds 2 Shoot the bugs to reduce their life to around 30 You don t want to kill them so choose a weaker weapon
Borderlands 2 Mighty Morphin Side Mission Walkthrough With Commentary YouTube
Borderlands 2 Inject Dem Pods YouTube
Borderlands 2 Mighty Morphin Inject Pod Walkthrough - 1 Bob Apr 20 2013 8 22pm After talking to Sir Hammerlock you ll have a needle looking thing When you go to Tundra Express shoot Varkids without killing them and some will mutate by forming a pod Just frob the pod before an adult Varkid bursts out of it Erm make sure you have a good weapon for what happens next nija d D