Blair Witch Walkthrough Chapter 3

Blair Witch Walkthrough Chapter 3 It s night The witch is going to curse the hell out of you now Ellis will wake up then stand outside his tent Open your inventory wheel and select your flashlight to provide some light Look

IGN s Blair Witch complete strategy guide and walkthrough will lead you through every step of Blair Witch from the title screen to the final credits including every collectible Chapter 3 Chapter 1 The first chapter begins with a conversation with your wife While driving the car you can answer the call from her but you don t need to Soon after the conversation you will arrive at the gathering place It turns out however that the search party has already set off

Blair Witch Walkthrough Chapter 3


Blair Witch Walkthrough Chapter 3


Walkthrough Blair Witch Guide IGN


Blair Witch Chapter 1 Walkthrough Prologue

2019 Browse game Gaming Browse all gaming Blair Witch Walkthrough Serieshttps m youtube playlist list PL9aqq sq4PdByiKzbgnRjnMJlNUDzo5JVMove on until you find yourself in an abandoned Here is the complete walkthrough for Chapter 3 This includes all the collectibles and storyline audio Links below for previous chapters Thank you for the

Chapter 3 of Blair Witch is where the game really starts messing with your head putting you into the shoes of the Witch s many victims You stumble upon an abandoned camp which seems to be tied directly to the missing 9 year old boy you ve gone searching for After collecting some evidence including a camcorder and video tape you might Walkthrough The walkthrough section is extremely in depth to help players out in finding collectibles The collectibles in Blair Witch are not easy to describe with text but I think the

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Chapter 3 unravels swiftly upon Ellis s awakening from the disorienting flashback catalyzed by the retrieval of the camcorder a pivotal artifact from the p Chapter 3 This chapter contains 6 collectibles 1 wooden doll 2 garbage 2 psychiatrist notes and 1 victim photo At the start of the chapter use to equip your flashlight and then walk directly

Updated Sep 17 2019 advertisement Psychiatrist s Notes are one of the main Collectibles in Blair Witch Below you can find a list of the Notes we have found so far feel free to add any that Page 1 of the full game walkthrough for Blair Witch This guide will show you how to earn all of the achievements Starting Chapters Prologue Chapter 1 3 4 Chapters 4 7 5 Chapters 8


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Blair Witch Walkthrough And Guide

Blair Witch Walkthrough Chapter 3 - Here is the complete walkthrough for Chapter 3 This includes all the collectibles and storyline audio Links below for previous chapters Thank you for the