Battlestations Midway Walkthrough Part 5 0 00 15 41 Battlestations Midway Part 5 AustinClutch316 4 3K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 0 No views 8 days ago More of Battlestations Midway campaign Enjoy the video Like
The walkthrough for this game is split into the type of missions you can play The Single Player Campaign takes the side of the US in the war for the Pacific and throughout the game various objectives must be accomplished As mentioned in the Gameplay page there are three kinds of objectives 0 00 9 21 Battlestations Midway Part 5 Raid on Balikpapan DirectorTzu 2 41K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 25K views 10 years ago Walker gets a new ship and a new mission Note
Battlestations Midway Walkthrough Part 5
Battlestations Midway Walkthrough Part 5
Battlestations Midway
Battlestations Midway Preview GameSpot
Intro BATTLESTATIONS MIDWAY PC Game USA Campaign Mission 5 Gameplay Walkthrough No Commentary Game Tales 427 subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 1 93 views 2 years ago RAID ON Set in the Pacific theatre of the Second World War Battlestations Midway often abbreviated to Battlestations or BSM is a hybrid of real time strategy flight simulation as well as naval and submarine warfare
Pearl Harbor Objectives for some white guy named Walker 1 Report to the U S S Phoenix 2 Survive the Jap attack 3 Destroy the midget submarine You can t fail on this mission until you start There are now two enemy threats the Maya and several unknown aircraft The unknown aircraft are revealed to be H8K Emilys on the lookout for you Have your Wildcats shoot them down for some easy kills There are two squads of Emilys one is alone near the cruiser Maya the other is to the east
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Introduction advertisement Greetings America The year 1941 is drawing to close and we wait with bated breath what will happen next in Europe The Nazi wehrmacht have destroyed all opposition in Battlestations Midway Game Guide is also available in our Mobile App Singleplayer campaign and challenges guide Relive the biggest sea battles of World War II as you blast your way across the Pacific from the chaos of Pearl Harbor through the Philippines Java and the Coral Sea all the way to the epic Battle of Midway
VDOMDHTMLtml Battlestations Midway YouTube Complete Game Full Playthrough No Commentary High Quality HD Walkthrough Set in the Pacific during World War II Battlestations Battlestation Midway is an innovative strategic game of 2007 with action elements The gamer will progress in his career as a naval officer among the key battles in the Pacific ocean during world war two The peculiarity of this game is the ability to manage naval air forces both through a tactical map and directly with arcade mechanics
Battlestations Midway Walkthrough Part 4 Vengence At Luzon YouTube
Battlestations Midway Topic YouTube
Battlestations Midway Walkthrough Part 5 - Pearl Harbor Objectives for some white guy named Walker 1 Report to the U S S Phoenix 2 Survive the Jap attack 3 Destroy the midget submarine You can t fail on this mission until you start