Battlefield 3 Night Shift Walkthrough Stop The Car

Battlefield 3 Night Shift Walkthrough Stop The Car Guide Home Night Shift At the start of this mission you ll have the chance to unlock another achievement You need to take out the lights with one bullet each Don t concentrate on the actual bulbs Just aim for the metal part that s holding them Crouching will also help steady your aim Remember to hold your breath still as you take steady aim

IGN Guides takes you on a guided tour of Night Shift in our full HD Battlefield 3 game walkthrough Part 9 of 12 Get more Battlefield 3 secrets at IGN http TheMediaCows 727K subscribers 391K views 11 years ago If you want to buy Battlefield 3 http amzn to BattlefieldIII This is Part 12 of our Battlefield 3 gameplay walkthrough for the

Battlefield 3 Night Shift Walkthrough Stop The Car


Battlefield 3 Night Shift Walkthrough Stop The Car


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Battlefield 3 Night Shift Walkthrough 4K 60FPS YouTube

Night Shift is the ninth mission in the singleplayer campaign of Battlefield 3 Misfit 1 3 is back in Tehran Iran to take down Faruk Al Bashir Battlefield 3 Night Shift Battlefield 3 Walkthrough Battlefield 3 179 You will start this mission ontop of a roof overseeing a landing zone for some of your fellow soldiers which you ll also need to cover Battlefield 3 Walkthrough Battlefield 3 180 You will first need to take out 4 lights

IGN takes you on a guided tour of Night Shift in our full Battlefield 3 walkthrough Download Video Did you enjoy this video Leave feedback In This Video Battlefield 3 DICE Oct 25 Proceed to the corner of the roof Shoot the two enemies on the right side of the street ahead Once your allies have crossed the road move to the ladder nearby and go down Follow Campo through an overpass and left into an alley Head into the building and up the stairs then take down the enemy with your knife to initiate a short cutscene

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Part 9 C NIGHT SHIFT Battlefield 3 WalkThrough YouTube

Night Shift Setting Game Battlefield 3 Location Tehran Iran Date November 2 2014 Objectives Secure marine insertion Disable lights in parking lot LZ Confirm Cole s IR signal Eliminate lookout Reach RV point Bravo Rappel to street level Avoid alerting PLR patrols Eliminate sentry Follow Campo to rooftops Secure marine crossing Eliminate threat Transcript Campo Quiet now Use your blade Shit PLR Run don t stop Over there into the sewer This should slow them down Let s go On the ground to the

Complete walkthrough of Battlefield 3 s singleplayer campaign recorded in 4K resolution and 60FPS In Battlefield 3 s campaign players take on the personas o In Night Shift how do you stop him from escaping in his car Do I shoot it or what si senor Gamertag Paves911 royic 12 years ago 3 Yes you don t really have anything else capable of


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Battlefield 3 Night Shift Walkthrough Stop The Car - IGN takes you on a guided tour of Night Shift in our full Battlefield 3 walkthrough Download Video Did you enjoy this video Leave feedback In This Video Battlefield 3 DICE Oct 25