Batman 3 Space Station Infestation Walkthrough 12 3 Next Walkthrough The Lantern Menace Prev Walkthrough Space Suits You Sir After watching a cut scene destroy the two lasers by the nearby entrance You can also look around the room to find lots of studs and destructible objects After collecting the studs switch to Robin and wear the Magnet Suit
LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham Level 4 Space Station Infestation 100 free play guide showing the location of all 10 minikits 3 character tokens 1 red brick and Adam West in Peril This guide will show you how to achieve 100 completion on LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham Level 4 Space Station Infestation The video will show you what is required to 100 the level with additional detail below for each part Each level of the core story requires you to collect the following Ten Minikits Three Hidden Character Tokens
Batman 3 Space Station Infestation Walkthrough
Batman 3 Space Station Infestation Walkthrough
Space Station Infestation png File LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham Wiki Guide IGN
Lego Batman 3 Beyond Gotham Gameplay Walkthrough Eps 3 Space Station Infestation IDN YouTube
1 Into the Watchtower 2 Part 1 Heated fight 3 Part 2 The two brutes 4 Part 3 The great arch nemeses 5 Collectables 5 1 Minikits 5 2 Character Tokens 5 3 Red Brick 5 4 Adam West in Peril Into the Watchtower First off move toward the hallway to the left where you will see two laser emitters spinning about 0 00 26 45 LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham Space Station Infestation Story legomariofanatic 89K subscribers Subscribe Subscribed 214 70K views 7 years ago In this episode of the LEGO
1 3K 570K views 9 years ago LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham walkthrough part 5 including the fourth level called Space Station Infestation This walkthrough will be played on the Xbox One Minikit 1 The first Minikit can be collected after destroying four boxes attached to balloons Two of them are located in the place shown in the picture and three of them behind the flame wall Minikit 2 You can collect the Minikit by hacking the terminal shown in the picture You can do it as Cyborg or Robin in Technology suit
More picture related to Batman 3 Space Station Infestation Walkthrough
Lego Batman 3 Beyond Gotham 1080p Gameplay Walkthrough Mission 4 Space Station Infestation YouTube
LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham Walkthrough Part 4 Space Station Infestation YouTube
LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham Walkthrough Part 4 Space Station Infestation YouTube
Adam West As Plastic Man approach the platform on the left and get to the other side When you re there build a platform from the bricks and as Green Lantern step onto it Start to create an object and the cell in front of you will open This way you will rescue Adam West Red Brick 1 300 70 3 98 89 922 10 671 12 36 47h 89 922 gamers are tracking their LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham achievements Click here to track your progress Space Station Infestation achievement
LEGO BATMAN 3 Beyond Gotham Walkthrough Space Station Infestation Welcome to Part 6 of our Lego Batman 3 guide This LB3 video features co op commentary wi In LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham the Caped Crusader joins forces with the super heroes of the DC Comics universe and blasts off to outer space to stop the evil Brainiac from destroying Earth Using the power of the Lantern Rings Brainiac shrinks worlds to add to his twisted collection of miniature cities from across the universe
Lego Batman 3 Beyond Gotham Space Station Infestation Walkthrough Episode 8 YouTube
LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham Walkthrough Part 4 Space Station Infestation GAMEPLAY 1080p
Batman 3 Space Station Infestation Walkthrough - 1 Into the Watchtower 2 Part 1 Heated fight 3 Part 2 The two brutes 4 Part 3 The great arch nemeses 5 Collectables 5 1 Minikits 5 2 Character Tokens 5 3 Red Brick 5 4 Adam West in Peril Into the Watchtower First off move toward the hallway to the left where you will see two laser emitters spinning about