Batman 2 Lego Wii Game Walkthrough

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Detonado Walkthrough Playthrough Gameplay Longplay Wii Full HD 1080p 60fps unfortunately many cutscenes were cut due to visual copyrights by LEGO Batman DVD an more more This video is a complete full game walkthrough for Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes on PC This is an instructional video showing how to successfully complete e

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1132 352 Guide for LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes you will find everything what is essential to complete the game on 100 percent Guide contains Detailed walkthrough with pictures showing how to complete every level Localizations of all minikits and citizen in perils in every of 15 levels 1 Assume that if there is an enemy you should take them down 2 This first section of the guide will only cover how to beat the game If you want to know where the citizens mini kits or

LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes Co op Walkthrough part 1 Theatrical Pursuits Harbouring a criminal This video is the first part of my LEGO Batman 2 DC S This FAQ Walkthrough is for the DS version of Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes The details of each area may be different from other versions of the game even if the overall storyline is the same Version 1 01 Added Immunities and fixed a few things regarding Free Play Mode

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Walkthrough Top Guide Sections Walkthrough DLC Expansions Characters Objects LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes features an original story incorporating numerous heroes and villains from the DC It is part 15 of our story walkthrough for LEGO Batman 2 featuring Batman Robin Green Lantern Flash Wonder Woman Superman and Cyborg as they face the final boss of the game

Use rockets to destroy all silver bricks near the platform with dinosaur and use remaining brick to build platform for trackball picture Return Robin on the left rock outfit him into the acrobat suit and get back on the central island you will have to move him to the right rock and use cable to get down Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes Wii Walkthrough Mission 1 Theatrical Pursuits Yes the game is awesome stay tuned for part 2


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Batman 2 Lego Wii Game Walkthrough - This is the walkthrough page for the mission Research and Development It is part 9 of our story walkthrough for LEGO Batman 2 featuring Superman as he helps Batman and Robin deal with