Baldur S Gatre 2 Graveyard Walkthrough Sending Uncle Lester back to his grave is worth 1 000 XP and a piece of random treasure Speak to Nevin again and he will voice his displeasure at having to go through the trouble and expense of having his uncle buried again However the party receives an extra 6 500 XP Here is another tomb
This map contains only those points that directly relate to Chapter 3 if you sided with Bodhi For the rest of the map please see the Chapter 2 overview of the District This is still where you arrive in the Graveyard District Here is another district exit Here is the entrance to Bodhi s Lair in the Lower Tombs This door will now be unlocked She will ask you to meet with her mistress Bodhi in the Graveyard District to discuss a better deal than the Shadow Thieves are offering When you visit the Graveyard District you ll find Bodhi waiting for you she will make you the same deal that the Shadow Thieves did and ask for 15 000G As aforementioned in my Chapter 3 Walkthrough you
Baldur S Gatre 2 Graveyard Walkthrough
Baldur S Gatre 2 Graveyard Walkthrough
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Chapter 2 Exploring Athkatla As you travel between areas in Athkatla you may be waylaid by a number of random encounters Renfeld You will come across a group of thugs attacking a man called Renfeld After you ve dealt with them he will ask for your help Proceed into the room and you will be attacked by several undead including Wraiths Shadows Skeleton Warriors Ghasts etc Level drain is an issue so prepare carefully Protection from Negative Energy is useful here as is the Berserk ability of Korgan and Minsc since berserked characters are immune to level drain
Daily news reviews interviews previews walkthroughs databases and more for role playing games available on PC and all console platforms Introduction Baldur s Gate was a revelation in CRPGs in 1998 with unparalleled world building writing and strategic depth It also made a previously unknown studio Bioware a name to be reckoned with Baldur s Gate 2 allowed Bioware to pull out the all the stops being bigger deeper more vibrant and more varied than its predecessor in every way
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When the spirit is finished speaking Illasera a fellow child of Bhaal will appear and attack you You will be drawn into a pocket of Bhaal s realm after you defeat Illasera A strange being named Solar will appear and tell you it plans to aid you with knowledge After Solar leaves Sarevok the one you killed at the end of Baldur s Gate and Chapter 2 Walkthrough Baldur s Gate 2 You ll start Chapter 2 when you enter the Athkatla Slums for the first time a man named Gaelan Bayle will approach you and bring you back to his house The most important thing in Gaelan s house is going to be the guy on the second floor pictured above He is a vendor that sells Glasses of
Click the grave to rescue Tirdir who has been buried alive He tells you that he was kidnapped by some criminals who once they had received the ransom buried him alive in the graveyard He gives you a piece of Red Cloth Go to 15 in the Graveyard District and speak to Sethle He quickly confesses and tells you he often meets his contact in Walkthrough for Baldur s Gate II Chapter 1 Escape the Dungeon The gameplay begins in a dungeon after Imoen rescues you from your cell Enter the room to the west and take the weapons the armor and the Jail Cell Key from the room Use the Key to open Jaheira s cell She will join your party
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Baldur S Gatre 2 Graveyard Walkthrough - Daily news reviews interviews previews walkthroughs databases and more for role playing games available on PC and all console platforms