Baldur S Gate 2 Walkthrough Kangaxx Introduction Baldur s Gate was a revelation in CRPGs in 1998 with unparalleled world building writing and strategic depth It also made a previously unknown studio Bioware a name to be reckoned with Baldur s Gate 2 allowed Bioware to pull out the all the stops being bigger deeper more vibrant and more varied than its predecessor in every way
RESTORE KANGAXX S BODY At 12 in the Docks District next to the Sea s Bounty Tavern lies a quiet and unassuming house The door is always locked and nobody has ever seen anyone go in or out Check the door for traps or suffer the Level Drain penalty your choice enter Kangaxx s House kill the Minotaurs who meet you on the first floor Daily news reviews interviews previews walkthroughs databases and more for role playing games available on PC and all console platforms
Baldur S Gate 2 Walkthrough Kangaxx
Baldur S Gate 2 Walkthrough Kangaxx
Baldurs Gate Enhanced Walkthrough Taiaquad
Baldur s Gate 2 Guides Walkthroughs Title Screen.png
Restore Kangaxx s Body is a side quest in Shadows of Amn It can be started in chapter 2 but it s recommended to not start this quest until the party has gained some levels and more powerful equipment because of the difficult battles that lie ahead Walkthrough Steps for starting the quest the order is unimportant Enter Kangaxx s House which is located between the Sea s Bounty Tavern Here are the steps down to the cellar The table at x 550 y 180 holds some gold and an Andar Gem The basket at x 670 y 130 holds a Shandon Gem and a Potion of Regeneration Here are the stairs back up to the first floor Click the coffin here to speak to Kangaxx He will tell you his sad tale of how his body parts have been kept apart by
Watcher s Keep is a high level dungeon although it can be visited as soon as you are able to get to the world map You should be able to manage the first couple of levels before the expansion although the third level is something of a beef gate Therefore I d recommend that you leave the third and fourth levels for Chapter 8 when you can It also improved hastes the user x3 per day The plot of this quest is that you have to kill 2 other liches to get to get Kangaxx s body parts for him However you don t need to talk to him to get this quest started You can kill straight up kill the first 2 liches to get the parts you need quest or not
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If you don t know what Kangaxx is don t read any further So basically I had everyone around level 13 or so and once he transformed in to his final form nothing hit him except a few spells He healed himself summoned bone golems and etc I dispatched them with death spells and it was a never ending battle where no damage would occur Finally Kangaxx exhausted every single spell it could For this to work you basically need 2 things 1 2 Spike traps 2 The priest spell Sunray So before I engaged Kangaxx I got Jan to cast just 2 spike traps that s more than enough as you can see here Now as the demilich emerges get Anomen to start casting Sunray
Www gamefaqs computer doswin file 258273 34147 QUEST Restore Kangaxx the Demi Lich from Taganath Kangaxx s House Docks AR 0300 x 2700 y 2270 Kangaxx s House is an unmarked generic house in Athkatla s Docks District It s situated between the Sea s Bounty Tavern and Mae Var s Guildhall The front door is trapped Disarm 80 and locked 80 Inside are three Minotaurs waiting for intruders A stairway leads to the cellar where the tomb containing the lich Kangaxx is located
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Baldur S Gate 2 Walkthrough Kangaxx - It also improved hastes the user x3 per day The plot of this quest is that you have to kill 2 other liches to get to get Kangaxx s body parts for him However you don t need to talk to him to get this quest started You can kill straight up kill the first 2 liches to get the parts you need quest or not