Baldur S Gate 2 Ee Walkthrough Bag Of Holding

Baldur S Gate 2 Ee Walkthrough Bag Of Holding There is one that you can get by finishing Hexxat s first quest which I always do The second is in the Spellhold Dungeon right after Bodhi give here little speech if you head up the stairs to the North there is a door and a room where the Bag of Holding is in one of the containers You have to fight to get it that s all I ll say

The console isn t available to use so where is the next best place to find a bag of holding before Spellhold Developer Overhaul Games Publisher Beamdog Release November 15 2013 Remaster for Baldur s Gate II Shadows of Amn Baldur s Gate II Shadows of Amn Baldur s Gate II Throne of Bhaal EU Baldur s Gate For Baldur s Gate II Enhanced Edition on the PC GameFAQs has 32 guides and walkthroughs

Baldur S Gate 2 Ee Walkthrough Bag Of Holding


Baldur S Gate 2 Ee Walkthrough Bag Of Holding


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For Baldur s Gate II Enhanced Edition on the PC Guide and Walkthrough by Haeravon Irenicus Dungeon Level 1 After the opening scenes in which a mysterious figure tortures you with his experiments Imoen will arrive to free you from your cage Imoen is the second best Mage that you can recruit Her Thief skills are sufficient to find almost all the traps and pick almost all the locks

Nah you ll have to CC it in or get the one in watchers keep If you re on PC and have the command cheat console enabled in Baldur lua press CTRL Spacebar in game scroll down the list to find the room in Spellhold click the Travel button nab the bag and then use the same method to return to where you started Also you can use familiars a bit like a bag of holding Have them pick pocket your party members for items you want them to carry You CAN get a gem bag from Neera a scroll case in Beregost from Firebead and a Potion Case from High Hedge Those are well worth the investment 3

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Though there are a few non magical bags to hold things like scrolls 1 danconnors Banned Jul 30 2015 6 54pm That s a firm maybe on the bag of holding For some strange reason you can put umpteen bottles of potions into a potion bag and watch as your encumbrance goes down and down I started out with 169 encumbrance and a whole pile Chapter 2 Companion Quests Companion quests will trigger after travelling with a companion for a certain time a week to ten days or when you travel to specific locations with them in your party Most of them come with trophies so you ll want to do them at some point

Introduction Baldur s Gate was a revelation in CRPGs in 1998 with unparalleled world building writing and strategic depth It also made a previously unknown studio Bioware a name to be reckoned with Baldur s Gate 2 allowed Bioware to pull out the all the stops being bigger deeper more vibrant and more varied than its predecessor in every way Welcome to our Baldur s Gate II Throne of Bhaal walkthrough Simply click any of the links within the navigation bar to the right and you will be brought to the respective area


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Baldur S Gate 2 Ee Walkthrough Bag Of Holding - Also you can use familiars a bit like a bag of holding Have them pick pocket your party members for items you want them to carry You CAN get a gem bag from Neera a scroll case in Beregost from Firebead and a Potion Case from High Hedge Those are well worth the investment 3