Babysitter 0 1 8 Walkthrough THANKS FOR WATCHING OVERVIEW You starting to play in the role of freelance programmer whose career is not so successful as expected
Current Version v0 0 9 Features Remade the scene gallery Highlighted best options dialogue green Cheats added to top right corner when playing Menu choices where you had too choose between two different options edited so now you can see both options Installation Merge game folder from the mod with game folder of Babysitters then Maximizing Corruption or Friendship A Guide to Multiple Endings in the Visual Novel Babysitter PDF Bedroom Home Babysitter Walkthrough v0 0 8 Free download as PDF File pdf Text File txt or read online for free Babysitter Walkthrough v0 0 8
Babysitter 0 1 8 Walkthrough
Babysitter 0 1 8 Walkthrough
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Adds an in game walkthrough for the important choices Adds option to see multiple scenes and award all points Adds In Game Hints Adds Nav Bar Adds Scene Replay to Main Menu Installation PC Unzip the mod and place the files in the game folder in your Babysitter 2 2b pc folder Overwrite when prompted Day 1 Lie Friend 1 Go to Bathroom and have a shower Go to Living room and watch the TV Porn Go to Bedroom and Put your jeans on Go out of apartment and pick Christine Quick and strict Help her Friend 1 Horny 1 Be friendly Friend 1 Lie Friend 1 Offer to prepare something Friend 1 Offer to buy her one Friend 1
Doc Preview Walkthrough Babysitter 0 1 8b On Routes and Choices Babysitter s plot progression is based in a large part on your choices Some of these changes are minor some of them are quite significant Walkthrough Babysitter 0 2 On Routes and Choices Babysitter s plot progression is based in a large part on your choices Some of these changes are minor some of them are quite significant If you aren t following the walkthrough know that you can always rollback the game to your last choice or even farther using the mouse
More picture related to Babysitter 0 1 8 Walkthrough
Babysitter Game Walkthrough And Game Guide
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Path 1 Choosing to go after Alyssa If you distract Silver and help Alyssa and needless to say it is followed by a very hot sex scene with her After this you can go check on your girls and listen in on their conversation with Silver in hot tub Following this you get to watch Robert go after Julia in front of Paul 597061 Walkthrough v0 2 1b Read online for free a handy guide for love
1 Hi guys I would just like to let you know that yesterday I went live on patreon with my newly developed game Babysitter Info about game Name Babysitter Primary Author T4bbo Blog Patreon https www patreon T4bbo Thread No Playable Game Download link to mega nz 27 12 2018 Walkthrough v0 1 7 Dokumenty Google W a l k t h r o u g h B a b y s i t t e r 0 1 7 O n R o u t e s a n d C h o i c e s Babysitter s plot progression is based in a large part on your choices Some of these changes are minor some of them are quite significant
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Babysitter 0 1 8 Walkthrough - Description You play a freelance programmer whose career is not as successful as expected Currently you are desperately seeking for a client who would buy the special software you have been working on for a while and you hope it will make you filthy rich In the meantime your sister is having an argument with her daughter whether she