Azuria Hero S Grave Walkthrough

Azuria Hero S Grave Walkthrough Complete guide to the Auriza Hero s Grave dungeon in Elden Ring This includes how to get the Crucible Axe Armor Set Tree Sentinel Armor Set Ordovis s Grea

Auriza Hero s Grave Overview Bosses Crucible Knight and Crucible Knight Ordovis Enemies Skeletons Basilisk Notable Loot Crucible Feather Talisman Stonesword Key Grave Glovewort 5 6 Ghost Glovewort 5 6 Golden Epitaph Tree Sentinel Set Ash of War Holy Ground Vulgar Militia Ashes You ll find an elevator activate it and then stand on the southern edge of the elevator When it reaches the top a flame trap will be shooting flame at the elevator Wait for it to end and then wait on one side of the doorway Once the flames start and stop again sprint down the hallway and past the flame trap

Azuria Hero S Grave Walkthrough


Azuria Hero S Grave Walkthrough


Azuria Heros Grave Elden Ring


Elden Ring Azuria s Hero Grave Boss YouTube

Auriza Hero s Grave can be found in the east most parts of Capital Outskirts Altus Plateau in Elden Ring Players can teleport to the Outer Wall Battleground Site of Lost Grace and sprint east Larger than most catacombs this was built to honor a fallen champion and is heavily guarded to this day Auriza Hero s Grave is a Location in Elden Ring The Auriza Hero s Grave is found in the eastern section of the Capital Outskirts Players can reach this location by following the main path within the outskirt walls all the way to the east

In the first room after getting off the lift head down the tunnel on the right side In the next room head all the way down avoiding the spinning chariot as you go Once you ve reached the bridge drop down the gap and head through the tunnel Turn right into the next tunnel and go straight You ll end up in another room with a spinning chariot This walkthrough will cover everything needed to obtain a Platinum trophy THE NEW FANTASY ACTION RPG Rise Tarnished and be guided by grace to brandish the

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Azuria Heros Grave Elden Ring

In this walkthrough we will show you where to find all the items secrets in Auriza Hero s Grave in Elden Ring Timestamps Note 00 00 Golden Epitaph 00 10 Auriza Hero s Grave is a location in Leyndell Royal Capital in Elden Ring and the home of dual Crucible Knights This grave is a smorgasbord that contains a unique armour set a new weapon a

Instead of running down the ramp wait for the chariot to go down and run up the ramp into the alcove opposite the side you are on You will see a statue shooting fire Hit the statue and it will To get to the Aurzia Hero s Grave make your way inside the Altus Plateau s outer walls Then head to the northern side of the city to reach the only bridge in the city There will be 2 paths


Azuria Heros Grave Elden Ring


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Azuria Hero S Grave Walkthrough - This walkthrough will cover everything needed to obtain a Platinum trophy THE NEW FANTASY ACTION RPG Rise Tarnished and be guided by grace to brandish the