Assassin S Creed 3 Liberation Ps Vita Walkthrough

Assassin S Creed 3 Liberation Ps Vita Walkthrough Complete 100 of all Mission Constraints Achieve 100 Synchronization in all Sequences This Walkthrough will help you get through all Aveline s memories To complete them with 100 sync and earn

PS Vita By Vince Ingenito Daniel Jeremy McBride 2 9k more updated Jun 27 2016 The full list of trophies ordered in original format is as follows advertisement For Assassin s Creed III Liberation on the PlayStation Vita GameFAQs has 6 guides and walkthroughs 46 cheat codes and secrets 45 trophies 3 reviews and 55 user screenshots

Assassin S Creed 3 Liberation Ps Vita Walkthrough


Assassin S Creed 3 Liberation Ps Vita Walkthrough,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/185f1evjdq69ojpg.jpg


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For Assassin s Creed III Liberation on the PlayStation Vita Guide and Walkthrough by LiKuidFox Minimum Playthroughs Needed 1 Difficulty Affects Trophies No difficulty Glitched Trophies N A 1 Complete the Story and try to get 100 Sync The fun thing about Assassin s Creed is the open world meaning you can backtrack This also means you are NOT required to get every collectible from start

Assassin s Creed Liberation Trophy Guide PSNProfilesIf you want to earn all the trophies in this spin off of the Assassin s Creed series you will need to complete all mission constraints among other challenges This guide will help you with tips tricks and walkthroughs for each mission and side activity Quickly steal a musket from a dead guard using and then attack the next guards governor with that musket using This will award the 100 you do not need to fire the musket Sequence 2 Find Agat under two minutes There are three symbols and you need to be quick as you will end up quite close to three minutes

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This page contains a list of cheats codes Easter eggs tips and other secrets for Assassin s Creed III Liberation for PlayStation Vita If you ve A woman of conviction Aveline is fighting for freedom in 18th century New Orleans a city on the brink of a rebellion as the Spanish Empire imposes its new rule Assassin s Creed III Liberation also features Vita specific controls making the most of the system s front and rear touch panels cameras and gyroscope

I About This Guide This is a guide detailing the main sequences in story mode as well as all side memories multiplayer mode and the naval trade feature of Assassin s Creed Liberation HD for the PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 and PC The walkthrough is kept as spoiler free as possible certain story elements possibly containing spoilers have been inevitably exposed in favor of providing clear and This unofficial guide for Assassin s Creed Liberation HD to make it possible for all players to complete this game in 100 easily This guide includes description of all sequences of the storyline side missions and information concerning fight Trade or the available achievements In this guide missions from the citizens business rivals ship crew free slaves groups and the ones


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Assassin S Creed 3 Liberation Ps Vita Walkthrough - Assassin s Creed Liberation Trophy Guide PSNProfilesIf you want to earn all the trophies in this spin off of the Assassin s Creed series you will need to complete all mission constraints among other challenges This guide will help you with tips tricks and walkthroughs for each mission and side activity