Angry Birds Poached Eggs Level 3 6 Walkthrough

Angry Birds Poached Eggs Level 3 6 Walkthrough Angry Birds Poached Eggs 3 Star Walkthrough Level 3 6 By AMslimfordy on Jan 30 2012 18 Comments Our strategy for Poached Eggs level 3 6 is to loft the Yellow bird over the two carts through the solitary wooden block This will result in the bird popping most of the pigs on the ground

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Angry Birds Poached Eggs Level 3 6 Walkthrough


Angry Birds Poached Eggs Level 3 6 Walkthrough


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1 2 Number of levels 63 21 New features Birds Pigs Poached Eggs is the 1st episode of the original Angry Birds and the very 1st episode of any Angry Birds game It consists of 3 themes all of which take place on a large blue plain during different times of the day each containing 21 levels Unlock them using the following video and tips Golden Egg 1 Tap the sun located on the Episode selection screen until the Egg pops up Golden Egg 2 Destroy the beach ball in level 2 2 Golden Egg 3 After you unlock the White Bird in 2 14 go the game s help menu and tap the check mark four times

Poached Eggs 3 6 is the sixth level of the third theme of Poached Eggs Fire the first Chuck into the air so that when it touches the ground he defeats the row of Small Pigs by rolling into them one at a time Fire the second bird at the stone structure in front of the Large Pig It should roll Angry Birds Poached Eggs 3 Star Walkthrough Level 1 6 By Bird Leader on Jan 25 2012 36 Comments In Poached Eggs level 1 6 there are two pigs and four red birds so I think the birds have the upper hand Anyhow just use the first two red birds to pop the pigs and destroy as much of the structure as possible

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Angry Birds Poached Eggs 3 Star Walkthrough Level 3 6 AngryBirdsNest


Angry Birds Poached Eggs 3 Star Walkthrough Level 3 21 AngryBirdsNest


Angry Birds Poached Eggs 3 Star Walkthrough Level 2 21 AngryBirdsNest

The best strategy for Poached Eggs level 3 15 is to land the Black bird next to the second tall wooden plank In this location most of the level will be cleared by the blast All that remains is a long shot with the White bird bombing the remaining pig on the right The score in the video below is 64 410 Version 2022 This walkthrough tutorial shows you one way to get 3 stars in Angry Birds Poached Eggs Level 3 6 Visit http www AngryBirdsNest for more Angry Birds wa

Our strategy for Poached Eggs level 3 10 is to lob the Blue bird splitting it to break through all three horizontal ice blocks The boulder should roll off the right side onto the far pig Loft the Yellow bird and White bird to target the remaining two pigs The score in the video below is 51 410 Version 2022 Poached Eggs 3 20 is the 20th level of the 3rd theme in Poached Eggs The player is supplied with two Matildas and three Bombs Fire Bomb over the first Small Pig The force of the explosion should kill both the Small Pig and the Large Pig beside it Use Matilda so that her egg and body both


Angry Birds Poached Eggs 3 Star Walkthrough Level 1 9 AngryBirdsNest


Angry Birds Poached Eggs 1 1 Angry Birds Wiki Guide IGN

Angry Birds Poached Eggs Level 3 6 Walkthrough - Poached Eggs 3 6 is the sixth level of the third theme of Poached Eggs Fire the first Chuck into the air so that when it touches the ground he defeats the row of Small Pigs by rolling into them one at a time Fire the second bird at the stone structure in front of the Large Pig It should roll