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Official Angry Birds Walkthrough Poached Eggs 3 7 Official Angry Birds Walkthrough Poached Eggs 3 7 Unlock them using the following video and tips Golden Egg 1 Tap the sun located on the Episode selection screen until the Egg pops up Golden Egg 2 Destroy the beach ball in level 2 2 Golden Egg 3 After you unlock the White Bird in 2 14 go the game s help menu and tap the check mark four times
Angry Birds 7 3 Walkthrough
Angry Birds 7 3 Walkthrough
Angry Bird Mod Intro And Title Screen YouTube
Angry Birds By MeddenTV
Hi this is my 3 star walkthrough for theme 7 levels 1 5 I hope it helps Please check out http www AngryBirdsNest for more Angry Birds walkthrough vi Our strategy for Poached Eggs level 3 7 is to fire the Red bird head on into the wooden structure in the middle of the level triggering the TNT in the bottom right Then loft the Blue bird over the level splitting to catch the pig in the top right as well as the TNT on the right
Angry Birds Poached Eggs 3 Star Walkthrough Level 1 7 By Bird Leader on Jan 25 2012 34 Comments Poached Eggs level 1 7 is one of the first challenging levels in Angry Birds You should aim for the bottom left wood plank trying to hit it as hard as possible so all the pigs pop and or roll off the edge The score in the video below is 45 790 Available on iTunes Full Angry Birds http bit ly cN7wr0Angry Birds Lite http itunes apple us app angry birds lite id354139923 mt 8
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One strategy for Danger Above level 7 7 is to loft a Yellow bird over the main structure and into the vertical stone plank popping both pigs on the right side Launch the Black bird into the top left pair of stone planks blasting the main structure to the heavens If necessary lob a Yellow bird to take out the pig in the middle Hi this is my 3 star walkthrough for theme 7 levels 11 15 I hope it helps Please check out http www AngryBirdsNest for more Angry Birds walkthrough
Reply By TruckDriver truckdriver Score 110 670 I was just messing around getting more levels done on my iPad and was following Slim s description above the video with one exception I shot bird 3 just slightly above the horizontal Fire the two Yellow birds into the small stone square on the left side of the main tower After two direct hits the whole tower should topple to the left and crush both pigs below All that remains is a precision shot with a Red bird or two Knocking a stone into the last structure will typically cause it to collapse
Angry Birds Space S 7 3 Stars
Angry Birds Level 3 5 Walkthrough YouTube
Angry Birds 7 3 Walkthrough - Our strategy for Poached Eggs level 3 7 is to fire the Red bird head on into the wooden structure in the middle of the level triggering the TNT in the bottom right Then loft the Blue bird over the level splitting to catch the pig in the top right as well as the TNT on the right