Ace Attorney Maya Case Walkthrough

Ace Attorney Maya Case Walkthrough This spoiler free walkthrough will guide you through every single case Case 1 The First Turnabout Trial Day One Case 2 Turnabout Sisters Investigation Day One Trial Day Two

1 Trial begins 2 Gumshoe s Testimony Cause of Death 3 Cause of Death Cross examination 4 Gumshoe s Testimony Incriminating Evidence 5 Incriminating Evidence Cross examination 6 Gumshoe s Testimony What Transpired 7 What Transpired Cross examination Maya is shocked to hear you are facing Prosecutor von Karma well his successor Episode 2 Turnabout Sisters is the second case in Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney With his mentor Mia Fey murdered it is up to Phoenix Wright to clear the name of the prime suspect Mia s little sister However in order to do this Wright must defeat the undefeated Demon Attorney Miles Edgeworth

Ace Attorney Maya Case Walkthrough


Ace Attorney Maya Case Walkthrough


Pearl Fey Image Gallery Ace Attorney Wiki Fandom


Ace Attorney Pregnant Maya Hot Sex Picture

6 The Truth 7 Epilogue Case Information Victim Mia Fey Time of Incident September 5th 9 PM Location Fey Co Law Offices Cause of death Loss of blood due to blunt trauma Murder weapon Talk to Maya Today s channeling Kurain Village The girl earlier Move to the Meditation Room Guidemap Fey Manor added to Court Record Move to the Channeling Chamber Channeling

This is our spoiler free walkthrough guide to Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice For All which is the second entry in the series Following on from our original Phoenix Wright Ace Examine Mia Fey Examine Slip of paper near Mia Fey advertisement Evidence The Thinker Evidence Glass Shards Evidence Receipt Move Fey Co Law Offices Fey Co Law Offices Talk Optional Present

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Tell the judge the number matters Look at the DL 6 Case File again on the first page then present it Point out the Case Summary page and present it After some events listen to Edgeworth s testimony Present the DL 6 Case File on the 6th statement of Edgeworth s testimony and tell him the name of the page Victim Data Choose Of course I will Talk to Maya Maya The day of the crime updates after Your cell phone Your cell phone added after The day of the crime Maya s Memo added to Court

In case you were wondering the first was a walkthrough for MegaMan Battle Network 3 but I never got around to posting it and now it s long been deleted I ve done my best to keep this as spoiler free as possible but if you feel there is anything too spoiler ish only e mail me if you can explain it in a less spoiler ish way Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy Gameplay Walkthrough Part 2 No Commentary on PC in 1080p 60fps HD Remastered Adventure Game 2019 This is my original and completely edited guide that


Category Channeled Characters Ace Attorney Wiki Fandom


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Ace Attorney Maya Case Walkthrough - Examine Mia Fey Examine Slip of paper near Mia Fey advertisement Evidence The Thinker Evidence Glass Shards Evidence Receipt Move Fey Co Law Offices Fey Co Law Offices Talk Optional Present