Abandoned 2 The Forest Walkthrough Coolmath Open the door and pick it up then make your way out of the desert world Head out of the three doors room and descend a level to the area with the switch and ladder Head to the left and use the old key on the door there Head inside and then head into the room within
Instructions Click on objects to interact with them or add them to your inventory Click the edges of the map to move to another area To use an item in your inventory click the up arrow in the bottom right corner then click the item to grab it and click an object in the world to try using it TIP If an area can be clicked the cursor will Put the box back then go left twice down and back out through the door Enter the other doorway here then go up twice and back outside Continue right up and left twice Reach for the key hanging here but it will fall down Return right twice and down twice then open the door and head through
Abandoned 2 The Forest Walkthrough Coolmath
Abandoned 2 The Forest Walkthrough Coolmath
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Walkthrough without one secret Cool Math Games Escape Game Abandoned 2 The Forest Puzzle Game How To Beat Full Walkthrough with SolutionsPlease remember to Like and Subscribe Thanks f
Abandoned 2 Gameplay Abandoned 2 gameplay is a captivating point and click mystery on Cool Math Games Players embark on a quest across diverse dimensions to locate a missing brother unfolding the story within a mysterious forest setting The game s simplicity shines through various puzzles and challenges from spinning tree switches and Click on an object to interact with them or add the to your inventory Click the edges of the map to move to another area To use an item in your inventory click the up arrow in the bottom right corner then click the item to grab it and click an object in the world to try using it TIP If and Area can be clicked the cursor will turn into a hand instead of an arrow This game is a logic
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This puzzle was actually based on a popular riddle about a circular train The number is different each time and basically you have to turn off all the lights turn one on and then see how many train cars it takes before you go back to that light you turned on Answers Look up a guide or go on the images tab when you google Abandoned 2 U room and you will probably find the correct combination Heeher 2 years ago report 0 17 You re browsing GameFAQs Q A as a guest Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions
From here head to the left and pick up the small rock at the bottom right of the area Then attach the rock to the stick by clicking on both in your inventory From here head to the far right area and use the stick on the giant gong Head back to the center to find small alcoves in the wall in front of you Head all the way up the vines then head left Use the hand saw to cut the wooden stick and pick it up Head back down the vines and head left until you see the strange contraption on the ground This is a ladder system that requires the wooden stick to function
Through Abandoned 2 The Forest Lenin 17
Abandoned Cool Math Games 2
Abandoned 2 The Forest Walkthrough Coolmath - Cool Math Games Escape Game Abandoned 2 The Forest Puzzle Game How To Beat Full Walkthrough with SolutionsPlease remember to Like and Subscribe Thanks f