7 2 Order Hall Campaign Walkthrough

7 2 Order Hall Campaign Walkthrough This active champion cap can be raised by one by completing the later part of the Class Hall campaign The Tier 7 Order Hall Advancement will also raise the cap by one and thus the highest amount of active champions you In the guide Tier 1 2 3 for Order Hall Advancements have the cost to change your advancement being more than the cost to

Original Class Hall Campaign The 7 0 part of the Class Campaign finished in order to progress on the 7 2 Class Campaign It is significantly easier in Patch 7 2 All class campaign missions are now 1 hour All class quests that required 20 World Quests now require 10 Completing A Glorious Campaign is also required for Broken Isles Pathfinder World of Warcraft Legion 7 2 Order Hall campaign is unlocked right now get started Get ready for the Broken Shore campaign and finally unlock your class mo

7 2 Order Hall Campaign Walkthrough


7 2 Order Hall Campaign Walkthrough


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Horde There are two ways to start the Legion story Warchief s Command Board Head to the Warchief s Command Board next to Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar Clicking on the board you should see an option for Broken Shore Selecting this option will start the quest chain below Chromie Time It comes down to just doing 2 things your Legion class order hall campaign and then the Breaching the Tomb achievement for the Broken Shore completing this achievement also requires completion of the Legionfall questline You can find information on these things linked below Once you do these 2 things you ll get a quest either at

Welcome to the Order Hall Champion Guide for 7 2 A lot of new stuff to incorporate but the basic concepts are mostly unchanged from last time First off I d like to thank u blackleafdragon for the original guide and also u kanemochi for dealing with me pestering him non stop about classes that I don t play New Stats Tracking Spreadsheet 1 How To Unlock Class Order Hall Missions Once you have finished the artifact quest for your specialisation and you have unlocked the Class Order Hall you will be presented with a map You will need to select the first zone that you will quest in on your journey to 110

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Mage Order Hall Campaign Patch 7 2 The advancement system allows you to use your Order Resources in order to research upgrades for your class hall It works in a similar way to your artifact tree in which your Order Resources are the Artifact Power and your class order hall is the artifact While it took much longer at the start of the expansion it is now far cheaper and takes

1 Introduction 2 Contents of our Class Order Hall Guide 3 Changelog 1 Introduction The class order hall is a new addition to the game with Legion It functions as a zone in which each class can perform a number of activities including refund the points you have spent in your artifact traits This guide is written after the 9 1 5 changes were implemented and requires you to have done the Legion Intro class order hall and Broken Shore campaign on your main character 1 Start your class order hall campaign by going to Legion Dalaran


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